gives the value of the specified property for the company entity.
gives a list of property values for the specified company entities.
gives the specified annotation associated with the given property.

- CompanyData[] gives a list of all company entities.
- CompanyData["Properties"] gives a list of available properties.
- The specified entity in CompanyData can be an Entity, EntityClass, entity canonical name, or list thereof.
- The specified property can be an EntityProperty, EntityPropertyClass, property canonical name, or list of properties.
- Properties that do not apply or are not known in a particular case are indicated by Missing[…].
- Properties include:
"AccountsPayable" accounts payable "AccountsReceivable" accounts receivable "AccumulatedDepreciation" accumulated depreciation "AdditionalPaidInCapital" additional paid-in capital "Address" address "Amortization" amortization "BeginningCashPosition" beginning cash position "CapitalExpenditure" capital expenditures "Cash" cash "CashAndCashEquivalents" cash and cash equivalents "CashDividendsPaid" cash dividends paid "CashEquivalents" cash equivalents "CashFlowFromContinuingFinancingActivities" cash flow from continuing financing activities "CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities" cash flow from continuing investing activities "CashFlowFromContinuingOperatingActivities" cash flow from continuing operating activities "CashFlowFromDiscontinuedOperation" cash flow from discontinued operation "CashFromDiscontinuedFinancingActivities" cash from discontinued financing activities "CashFromDiscontinuedInvestingActivities" cash from discontinued investing activities "ChangeInAccruedExpense" change in accrued expense "ChangeInInterestPayable" change in interest payable "ChangeInInventory" change in inventory "ChangeInPayable" change in payable "ChangeInTaxPayable" change in tax payable "ChangeInWorkingCapital" change in working capital "ChangesInCash" change in cash and cash equivalents "ChangesInReceivables" change in receivables "City" city "CommonShares" common shares "CommonStock" common stock "CommonStockIssuance" common stock issuance "CommonStockPayments" common stock payments "Coordinates" coordinates "CorporateStructure" corporate structure "CostOfRevenue" cost of revenue "CurrentAccruedExpenses" current accrued expenses "CurrentAssets" current assets "CurrentDebt" current debt "CurrentLiabilities" current liabilities "CurrentNotesPayable" current notes payable "CurrentRatio" current ratio "DeferredAssets" deferred assets "DeferredCosts" deferred costs "DeferredTaxAssets" deferred tax assets "DefunctDate" defunct date "Depreciation" depreciation "DepreciationAmortizationDepletion" depreciation amortization depletion "DepreciationAndAmortization" depreciation and amortization "EndCashPosition" end cash position "Employees" total employees "EquityInvestments" equity investments "FinancialHealthGrade" financial health grade "FinancialLeverage" financial leverage "FinancingCashFlow" financing cash flow "FormerNames" former names "GeneralAndAdministrativeExpense" general and administrative expense "Goodwill" goodwill "GoodwillAndOtherIntangibleAssets" goodwill and other intangible assets "GrossLoan" gross loan "GrossPPE" gross properties plants and equipment "GrossProfit" gross profit "GrowthGrade" growth grade "HeldToMaturitySecurities" held to maturity securities "Image" company logo "IncomeTaxPayable" income tax payable "Industry" sector "InterestBearingDepositsAssets" interest-bearing deposits assets "InterestBearingDepositsLiabilities" interest-bearing deposits liabilities "InterestExpense" interest expense "InterestExpenseNonOperating" interest expense from non-operating activities "InterestExpenseOperating" interest expense from operating activities "InterestIncome" interest income "InterestIncomeNonOperating" interest income from non-operating activities "InterestIncomeOperating" interest income from operating activities "InterestPayable" interest payable "Inventory" inventory "InvestingCashFlow" investing cash flow "LongTermDebt" long-term debt "LongTermDebtIssuance" long-term debt issuance "LongTermDebtPayments" long-term debt payments "LongTermDebtTotalCapitalRatio" debt-to-capital ratio "LongTermInvestments" long-term investments "MetropolitanArea" metropolitan area "MinorityInterest" minority interest "MoneyMarketInvestments" money market investments "Name" name "NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale" net business purchase and sale "NetIncome" net income "NetIncomeCommonStockholders" net income earned by common stockholders "NetIncomeContinuousOperations" net income from continuous operations "NetIncomeDiscontinuousOperations" net income from discontinuous operations "NetIncomeExtraordinary" net income from extraordinary "NetIntangiblesPurchaseAndSale" net intangibles purchase and sale "NetInterestIncome" net interest income "NetInvestmentIncome" net investment income "NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale" net investment purchase and sale "NetLoan" net loan "NetMargin" net margin "NetNonOperatingInterestIncomeExpense" net non-operating interest income and expense "NetOperatingInterestIncomeExpense" net operating interest income and expense "NetPPE" fixed assets "NetPPEPurchaseAndSale" net purchase and sale of properties plants and equipments "NetTechnologyPurchaseAndSale" net technology purchase and sale "NonCurrentAccruedExpenses" non-current accrued expenses "NonCurrentNoteReceivables" non-current notes receivables "NonInterestExpense" non-interest expense "NonInterestIncome" non-interest income "NotesReceivable" notes receivable "OperatingCashFlow" operating cash flow "OperatingExpense" operating expense "OperatingIncome" operating income "OperatingRevenue" operating revenue "OtherFinancialInstruments" other financial instruments "OtherIncomeExpense" other income expense "OtherIntangibleAssets" other intangible assets "OtherShortTermInvestments" other short-term investments "OwnershipType" ownership type "PostalCode" postal code "PredecessorCompanies" predecessor companies "PreferredStock" preferred stock "PreferredStockDividends" preferred stock dividends "PreferredStockIssuance" preferred stock issuance "PreferredStockPayments" preferred stock payments "PretaxIncome" pre-tax income "ProfitabilityGrade" profitability grade "PurchaseOfBusiness" purchase of business "PurchaseOfEquitySecurities" purchase of equity securities "PurchaseOfFixedMaturitySecurities" purchase of fixed maturity securities "PurchaseOfIntangibles" purchase of intangibles "PurchaseOfInvestment" purchase of investment "PurchaseOfLongTermInvestments" purchase of long-term investments "PurchaseOfPPE" purchase of properties plants and equipments "PurchaseOfShortTermInvestments" purchase of short-term investments "PurchaseOfTechnology" purchase of technology "ResearchAndDevelopment" research and development "RetainedEarnings" retained earnings "ROA" return on assets "ROE" return on equity "SaleOfBusiness" sales of business "SaleOfIntangibles" sale of intangibles "SaleOfInvestment" sales of investment "SaleOfLongTermInvestments" sale of long-term investments "SaleOfPPE" sales of properties plants and equipments "SaleOfShortTermInvestments" sales of short-term investments "SalesOfEquitySecurities" sales of equity securities "SalesOfFixedMaturitySecurities" sales of fixed-maturity securities "SalesPerEmployee" sales per employee "SellingAndMarketingExpense" selling and marking expense "SellingGeneralAndAdministration" selling general and administration "ShortTermDebtIssuance" short-term debt issuance "ShortTermDebtPayments" short-term debt payments "Status" status "StockholdersEquity" stockholders equity "SuccessorCompanies" successor companies "TotalAssets" total assets "TotalDeposits" total deposits "TotalExpenses" total expenses "TotalInvestments" total investments "TotalLiabilities" total liabilities "TotalNonCurrentAssets" total non-current assets "TotalNonCurrentLiabilities" total non-current liabilities "TotalRevenue" total revenue "TotalTaxPayable" total tax payable "TradingLiabilities" trading liabilities "TradingSecurities" trading securities "Transactions" transactions "TreasuryStock" treasury stock "UnearnedIncome" unearned income "Website" website - Some properties are available for CompanyData as a whole and can be given using the form CompanyData[property]. Such properties include:
"Entities" all available entities "EntityCount" total number of available entities "Classes" all available entity classes "EntityClassCount" total number of available entity classes "SampleEntities" list of sample entities "SampleEntityClasses" list of sample entity classes "EntityCanonicalNames" list of all entity canonical names "PropertyCanonicalNames" list of all property canonical names "EntityClassCanonicalNames" list of all entity class canonical names "RandomEntities" pseudorandom sample entities {"RandomEntities",n} n pseudorandom entities "RandomEntityClasses" pseudorandom sample entity classes {"RandomEntityClasses",n} n pseudorandom entity classes - The following annotations can be used in the third argument of CompanyData[entity,property,annotation]:
"Qualifiers" the list of possible qualifiers for the property "QualifierValues" the list of possible values that can be given to each qualifier "DefaultQualifierValues" the list of default values for the property's qualifiers "Description" a brief textual description of the property "Definition" a detailed textual definition of the property "Source" source information for the property "Date" the date associated with the entity-property value (if any) "PhysicalQuantity" the physical quantity associated with the entity-property value "Unit" the unit associated with the entity-property value "EntityAssociation" an association of entities and entity-property values "PropertyAssociation" an association of properties and entity-property values - If a function is provided as an annotation, it will be used to aggregate the result data. Typical aggregation functions include:
Min the minimum value Max the maximum value Mean the mean value Commonest the most frequently occurring value Median the median value Total returns the total Length the number of elements
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Wolfram Research (2014), CompanyData, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2019).
Wolfram Language. 2014. "CompanyData." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2019.
Wolfram Language. (2014). CompanyData. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from