"RCSBProteinDataBank" (服务连接)
Connect to the RCSB Protein Data Bank API using the Wolfram Language to query extensive data on biomolecule structures and their properties.
Connecting & Authenticating
BioMolecule Structures
"BioMolecule" — get a BioMolecule structure from RCSB Protein Data Bank
"PDBStructureID" | None | PDB structure ID |
"EntryData" — get the relevant data present in the structure file from RCSB Protein Data Bank as a Dataset
"PDBStructureID" | None | PDB structure ID |
"ChemicalComponentData" — get the relevant information about residues present in the RCSB Protein Data Bank
"ComponentID" | None | chemical ID of a residue |
"TextSearch" — get the relevant PDB IDs from RCSB PDB by giving a simple text query
"Query" | None | search query | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index of the output structures | |
MaxItems | 10 | total number of output structures |
"SequenceSearch" — get the relevant PDB IDs from RCSB PDB by providing a BioSequence
"BioSequence" | None | sequence to search against | |
"MinimumOverlapFraction" | None | minimum overlap fraction between two sequences | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index of the output structures | |
MaxItems | 10 | total number of output structures |
"SequenceMotifSearch" — get the relevant PDB IDs from RCSB PDB by searching for a sequence motif
"Motif" | None | motif to search against; can be a string or BioSequence object | |
"PatternType" | None | type of the input motif | |
"SequenceType" | None | type of the sequence motif | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index of the output structures | |
MaxItems | 10 | total number of output structures |
Parameter Details
"Simple" | simple expression | |
"Regex" | regular expression | |
"Prosite" | Prosite expression |
"Protein" | protein sequence | |
"DNA" | DNA sequence | |
"RNA" | RNA sequence |
"X" | any single letter code of either protein, DNA or RNA | |
"{P}" | any amino acid except "P" ("Pro") | |
"[ST]" | either "S" ("Ser") or "T" ("Thr") | |
"X(2)" | same as "XX" | |
"X(2,4)" | "XX" or "XXX" or "XXXX" | |
"C-{S}-C-X(2)-[LIVMYFWC]" | "Prosite" format example | |
"C{S}CXX[LIVMYFWC]" | "Regex" format example | |
"CXCXXL" | "Simple" format example |
基本范例 (7)
Get a BioMolecule object by providing the PDB ID through an ExternalIdentifier:
Visualize the BioMolecule:
Get the data in the structure file:
Get the relevant information about molecules present in RCSB PDB:
Search for structures from RCSB PDB by giving a simple text query:
Visualize one of the structures:
Get a specific number of structures starting from a "StartIndex" and MaxItems parameters:
Search structures from RCSB PDB using BioSequence:
BioSequence of the first structure:
Align this sequence with the reference sequence:
The String elements of the above list are the common part of the sequence. The list elements of the output are either mismatch, insertion or deletion. The first element of the list corresponds to the first sequence and the second element corresponds to the second one. See what fraction of the sequences are common:
So there is almost a 99% overlap between the two sequences.
"BioSequence" can also be "RNA" or "DNA":
Search for structures that contain a zinc finger sequence motif:
Visualize the structure of the first element of the search, where zinc is in purple:
"Motif" can also accept a BioSequence:
You can also search for "DNA" or "RNA" motifs: