"RCSBProteinDataBank" (Service Connection)
Connect to the RCSB Protein Data Bank API using the Wolfram Language to query extensive data on biomolecule structures and their properties.
Connecting & Authenticating
BioMolecule Structures
"BioMolecule" — get a BioMolecule structure from RCSB Protein Data Bank
"PDBStructureID" | None | PDB structure ID |
"EntryData" — get the relevant data present in the structure file from RCSB Protein Data Bank as a Dataset
"PDBStructureID" | None | PDB structure ID |
"ChemicalComponentData" — get the relevant information about residues present in the RCSB Protein Data Bank
"ComponentID" | None | chemical ID of a residue |
"TextSearch" — get the relevant PDB IDs from RCSB PDB by giving a simple text query
"Query" | None | search query | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index of the output structures | |
MaxItems | 10 | total number of output structures |
"SequenceSearch" — get the relevant PDB IDs from RCSB PDB by providing a BioSequence
"BioSequence" | None | sequence to search against | |
"MinimumOverlapFraction" | None | minimum overlap fraction between two sequences | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index of the output structures | |
MaxItems | 10 | total number of output structures |
"SequenceMotifSearch" — get the relevant PDB IDs from RCSB PDB by searching for a sequence motif
"Motif" | None | motif to search against; can be a string or BioSequence object | |
"PatternType" | None | type of the input motif | |
"SequenceType" | None | type of the sequence motif | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index of the output structures | |
MaxItems | 10 | total number of output structures |
Parameter Details
"Simple" | simple expression | |
"Regex" | regular expression | |
"Prosite" | Prosite expression |
"Protein" | protein sequence | |
"DNA" | DNA sequence | |
"RNA" | RNA sequence |
"X" | any single letter code of either protein, DNA or RNA | |
"{P}" | any amino acid except "P" ("Pro") | |
"[ST]" | either "S" ("Ser") or "T" ("Thr") | |
"X(2)" | same as "XX" | |
"X(2,4)" | "XX" or "XXX" or "XXXX" | |
"C-{S}-C-X(2)-[LIVMYFWC]" | "Prosite" format example | |
"C{S}CXX[LIVMYFWC]" | "Regex" format example | |
"CXCXXL" | "Simple" format example |
Basic Examples (7)
Get a BioMolecule object by providing the PDB ID through an ExternalIdentifier:
Visualize the BioMolecule:
Get the data in the structure file:
Get the relevant information about molecules present in RCSB PDB:
Search for structures from RCSB PDB by giving a simple text query:
Visualize one of the structures:
Get a specific number of structures starting from a "StartIndex" and MaxItems parameters:
Search structures from RCSB PDB using BioSequence:
BioSequence of the first structure:
Align this sequence with the reference sequence:
Compare the input sequence with the similar structure using SmithWatermanSimilarity:
So there is almost a 99% overlap between the two sequences.
"BioSequence" can also be "RNA" or "DNA":
Search for structures that contain a zinc finger sequence motif:
Visualize the structure of the first element of the search, where zinc is in purple:
"Motif" can also accept a BioSequence:
You can also search for "DNA" or "RNA" motifs: