MotorGearPendulumAn electrical motor, a gear, and a pendulum connected to a cart |
This library contains models used in the documentation of system modeling functionality in Wolfram Language. These examples and this library can be explored in the Wolfram Language documentation.
R |
Value: 2.6 Type: Resistance (Ω) Description: Resistance |
L |
Value: 0.001 Type: Inductance (H) Description: Inductance |
k |
Value: 0.00767 Type: Real (N⋅m/A) Description: Transformation coefficient |
ratio_rotational |
Value: 3.7 Type: Real Description: Rotational transmission ratio from input wheel to pinion |
ratio_translational |
Value: 157.48 Type: Real (rad/m) Description: Translational transmission ratio from pinion to gear rack |
lPendulum |
Value: 0.85 Type: Length (m) Description: Pendulum length |
rPendulum |
Value: 0.005 Type: Radius (m) Description: Pendulum radius |
dPendulum |
Value: 0 Type: RotationalDampingConstant (N⋅m⋅s/rad) Description: Pendulum damper constant |
rhoPendulum |
Value: 7939.023 Type: Density (kg/m³) Description: Pendulum material density |
dSlider |
Value: 0 Type: TranslationalDampingConstant (N⋅s/m) Description: Pendulum slider constant |
rhoCart |
Value: 5600 Type: Density (kg/m³) Description: Cart material density |
lCart |
Value: 0.1 Type: Length (m) Description: Cart length |
hCart |
Value: 0.1 Type: Height (m) Description: Cart height |
wCart |
Value: 0.1 Type: Length (m) Description: Cart width |
d |
Type: RealInput Description: Tangential force acting on the center of mass of the pendulum |
V |
Type: RealInput Description: Input voltage signal |
phi |
Type: RealOutput Description: Angle of the pendulum with respect to the vertical |
x |
Type: RealOutput Description: Horizontal position of the cart |
world |
Type: World Description: World coordinate system + gravity field + default animation definition |
voltageSource |
Type: SignalVoltage Description: Generic voltage source using the input signal as source voltage |
resistor |
Type: Resistor Description: Ideal linear electrical resistor |
inductor |
Type: Inductor Description: Ideal linear electrical inductor |
Type: RotationalEMF Description: Electromotoric force (electric/mechanic transformer) |
ground |
Type: Ground Description: Ground node |
gearR2T |
Type: IdealGearR2T Description: Gearbox transforming rotational into translational motion |
idealGear |
Type: IdealGear Description: Ideal gear without inertia |
cart |
Type: BodyBox Description: Rigid body with box shape. Mass and animation properties are computed from box data and density (12 potential states) |
pendulumCylinder |
Type: BodyCylinder Description: Rigid body with cylinder shape. Mass and animation properties are computed from cylinder data and density (12 potential states) |
pendulumJoint |
Type: Revolute Description: Revolute joint (1 rotational degree-of-freedom, 2 potential states, optional axis flange) |
toMidCart |
Type: FixedTranslation Description: Fixed translation of frame_b with respect to frame_a |
sliderConstraint1 |
Type: Prismatic Description: Prismatic joint (1 translational degree-of-freedom, 2 potential states, optional axis flange) |
pendulumDamper |
Type: Damper Description: Linear 1D rotational damper |
sliderDamper |
Type: Damper Description: Linear 1D translational damper |
angleSensor |
Type: AngleSensor Description: Ideal sensor to measure the absolute flange angle |
positionSensor |
Type: PositionSensor Description: Ideal sensor to measure the absolute position |
center |
Type: FixedTranslation Description: Fixed translation of frame_b with respect to frame_a |
torque |
Type: Torque Description: Input signal acting as external torque on a flange |
gain |
Type: Gain Description: Output the product of a gain value with the input signal |
DocumentationExamples.Modeling.ControlledMotorGearPendulum A model that encloses a plant and passes its states as outputs |