Cultural Data
The Wolfram Language has built-in access to extensive cultural data in computable form. Free-form linguistics provide a convenient mechanism for accessing all available data; more common categories also have specific associated Wolfram Language functions.
) — request data using free-form linguistics
entity[property] — extract the value of a property for an entity
Entity ▪ EntityClass ▪ EntityList ▪ RandomEntity ▪ EntityFunction ▪ ...
Book — notable books and other texts
Periodical — newspapers, magazines and other periodical publications
ResourceData — full text of notable sample books and documents
MusicAct — notable musicians and bands from all genres
MusicAlbum — historical and current music albums and film soundtracks
MusicWork — popular songs and other recorded musical works
MusicAlbumRelease MusicWorkRecording MusicalInstrument
Movies & Television
Movie — historical and current movies and movie franchises
BroadcastStation — licensed radio and television broadcast stations
Digital Media
WikipediaData ▪ WebSearch ▪ WebImageSearch
InternetDomain — named internet domains with host and traffic information
Art & Architecture
Artwork — notable works of art in a variety of media
Building — buildings, towers and other notable structures
Museum — art, history, science and other museums
HistoricalSite — memorials and other sites of designated historical importance
Languages, Words & Characters
Language — recognized languages from all countries and cultures
Character — typographical characters and other symbols
WritingScript Alphabet GrammaticalUnit
WordList ▪ WordTranslation ▪ Transliterate
WordFrequencyData — current and historical word frequency data
WordData — data on English words
Religion & Mythology
Religion — religions from around the world
Mythology — entities from mythologies of many cultures
People, Names & Fictional Characters
Person — hundreds of thousands of current and historical figures
FictionalCharacter — characters from works of fiction
Cultural Activities
BoardGame SportObject YogaPose Pokemon ...
Food — 150,000 types of food, with detailed properties