Trigonometric Functions
With careful attention to branch cuts, the Wolfram Language supports trigonometric functions everywhere in the complex plane, with extensive exact and algebraic transformations, together with efficient arbitrary-precision numerical evaluation. The Wolfram Language follows the standard mathematical convention of using radians for trigonometric function arguments.
Sin ▪ Cos ▪ Tan ▪ Csc ▪ Sec ▪ Cot
ArcSin ▪ ArcCos ▪ ArcTan ▪ ArcCsc ▪ ArcSec ▪ ArcCot
SinDegrees ▪ CosDegrees ▪ TanDegrees ▪ CscDegrees ▪ SecDegrees ▪ CotDegrees
ArcSinDegrees ▪ ArcCosDegrees ▪ ArcTanDegrees ▪ ArcCscDegrees ▪ ArcSecDegrees ▪ ArcCotDegrees
AngleVector — generate a vector at a specified angle
CirclePoints — equally spaced points around a circle
ToPolarCoordinates ▪ FromPolarCoordinates
FullSimplify — simplify trigonometric expressions
FunctionExpand — reduce to algebraic forms or simpler arguments
TrigExpand — Sin[2x]⟶2 Sin[x]Cos[x] etc.
TrigFactor — Sin[..]+Sin[..]⟶product of terms, etc.
TrigReduce — 2 Sin[x]Cos[x]⟶Sin[2x] etc.
ComplexExpand — expand into real and imaginary parts