Video Creation

Overview  »

Together with a complete graphics language, a high-level set of visualization functions and a variety of image- and audio-processing capabilities, the Wolfram Language provides flexible and highly customizable routines for video creation, ranging from recording from webcams and screens to generating dynamic visualizations.

Direct Import & Export

Import, Export import from and export to video files

"MP4"  ▪  "QuickTime"  ▪  "AVI"  ▪  "Ogg"  ▪  "Matroska"  ▪  "VideoFormat"

Video Capture

VideoCapture capture video from a webcam or any other connected device

VideoScreenCapture perform screen recording for the whole screen, a notebook, etc.

High-Level Video Creation

TourVideo create a tour from a 2D image or graphics

Tour3DVideo create a tour from a 3D graphic, image or geometry

ConstantVideo create a constant video of a given duration

FrameListVideo construct a video from a list of frames

SlideShowVideo generate a slide show video from a list of images or expressions

SnippetsVideo create a video summary from multiple snippets

GridVideo create a grid of videos

OverlayVideo overlay an image or video on top of another

Full-Control Video Creation

AnimationVideo generate video frames by evaluating an expression at different values

ManipulateVideo video from manipulated expressions with user-defined controls

KeyframeActions keyframe actions when creating videos from Manipulate expressions

VideoFrameMap filter video by applying a function to each frame

VideoMap filter video frames and audio tracks

SowVideo, ReapVideo sow video snippets to later reap the full video

VideoGenerator generate video from arbitrary functions

Programmatic Video Capture

VideoRecord record from connected imaging devices or displays

VideoStream  ▪  VideoPlay  ▪  VideoPause  ▪  VideoStop  ▪  VideoStreams  ▪  RemoveVideoStream

Video Properties

ImageDimensions get dimensions of video frames

ImageChannels  ▪  ImageAspectRatio  ▪  AudioSampleRate  ▪  AudioChannels

Video Generation Options

RasterSize  ▪  BitRate  ▪  ConformationMethod  ▪  VideoTransparency

GeneratedAssetLocation  ▪  GeneratedAssetFormat  ▪  $GeneratedAssetLocation

VideoEncoding  ▪  AudioEncoding  ▪  SubtitleEncoding

Available Encoders

$VideoEncoders  ▪  $AudioEncoders  ▪  $SubtitleEncoders