

tests whether poly is an irreducible polynomial over the rationals.


tests whether poly is irreducible modulo a prime p.


tests whether poly is irreducible over the field extension generated by the algebraic numbers ai.


tests whether poly is absolutely irreducible over the complex numbers.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (1)

Test irreducibility of polynomials:

Scope  (9)

Irreducibility of univariate polynomials over the rationals:

Irreducibility of multivariate polynomials over the rationals:

Irreducibility over the Gaussian rationals:

Irreducibility of univariate polynomials over the integers modulo 2:

Irreducibility of multivariate polynomials over the integers modulo 3:

Irreducibility over a finite field:

By default, algebraic number coefficients are treated as independent variables:

This tests irreducibility over the rationals extended by the algebraic number coefficients:

Irreducibility over a finite algebraic extension of rationals:

Absolute irreducibility over the complex numbers:

Options  (7)

Extension  (5)

By default, algebraic number coefficients are treated as independent variables:

Extension->Automatic automatically extends to a field that covers the coefficients:

The polynomial is irreducible over the rationals:

The same polynomial is reducible over the rationals extended by I and Sqrt[2]:

Absolute irreducibility:

The polynomial is irreducible over :

The same polynomial is reducible over a degree- extension of :

The polynomial is irreducible over the finite field with elements:

becomes reducible after embedding in a finite field with elements:

GaussianIntegers  (1)

The polynomial is irreducible over the rationals:

The same polynomial is reducible over the Gaussian rationals:

Modulus  (1)

Irreducibility modulo a prime:

Properties & Relations  (1)

A polynomial is irreducible if FactorList gives one nonconstant factor with exponent 1:

Wolfram Research (2008), IrreduciblePolynomialQ, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2023).


Wolfram Research (2008), IrreduciblePolynomialQ, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2023).


Wolfram Language. 2008. "IrreduciblePolynomialQ." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2023.


Wolfram Language. (2008). IrreduciblePolynomialQ. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_irreduciblepolynomialq, author="Wolfram Research", title="{IrreduciblePolynomialQ}", year="2023", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 26-July-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_irreduciblepolynomialq, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={IrreduciblePolynomialQ}, year={2023}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 26-July-2024 ]}