
yields the QR decomposition for a numerical matrix m. The result is a list {q,r}, where q is a unitary matrix and r is an upper‐triangular matrix.
Details and Options

- The original matrix m is equal to ConjugateTranspose[q].r. »
- For non‐square matrices, q is row orthonormal. »
- The matrix r has zeros for all entries below the leading diagonal. »
- With the setting TargetStructure->"Structured", QRDecomposition[m] returns the matrices {q,r} as structured matrices.
- QRDecomposition[m,Pivoting->True] yields a list {q,r,p} where p is a permutation matrix such that m.p is equal to ConjugateTranspose[q].r. »
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (11)
Basic Uses (7)
Find the QR decomposition of a machine-precision matrix:
QR decomposition for a complex matrix:
Use QRDecomposition for an exact matrix:
QR decomposition for an arbitrary-precision matrix:
Use QRDecomposition with a symbolic matrix:
The QR decomposition for a large numerical matrix is computed efficiently:
Special Matrices (4)
Find the QR decomposition for a sparse matrix:
QR decompositions of structured matrices:
Use with a QuantityArray structured matrix that has consistent units:
The matrix is dimensionless; the
matrix gets the units:
QR decomposition of an IdentityMatrix consists of two identity matrices:
QR decomposition of HilbertMatrix:
Options (4)
Pivoting (1)
Compute the QR decomposition using machine arithmetic with pivoting:
The elements along the diagonal of r are in order of decreasing magnitude:
The matrix p is a permutation matrix:
QRDecomposition satisfies m.p==ConjugateTranspose[q].r:
TargetStructure (3)
With TargetStructure->"Dense", the result of QRDecomposition is a list of two dense matrices:
With TargetStructure->"Structured", the result of QRDecomposition is a list containing an OrthogonalMatrix and an UpperTriangularMatrix:
With the settings Pivoting->True and TargetStructure->"Structured", the result of QRDecomposition is a list containing an OrthogonalMatrix, an UpperTriangularMatrix and a PermutationMatrix:
With TargetStructure->"Dense", the result of QRDecomposition is a list of two dense matrices:
With TargetStructure->"Structured", the result of QRDecomposition is a list containing a UnitaryMatrix and an UpperTriangularMatrix:
Applications (8)
Geometry of QRDecomposition (4)
Find an orthonormal basis for the column space of the following matrix , and then use that basis to find a QR factorization of
Define as the
column of
as the
element of the corresponding Gram–Schmidt basis:
Let be the matrix whose rows are the
Let be the matrix whose elements are the components of
along the
basis vector:
This is the same result as given by QRDecomposition:
Compare QR decompositions found using Orthogonalize and QRDecomposition for the following matrix :
Let be the result of applying Orthogonalize to the columns of
This is the same result as given by QRDecomposition:
Compare QR decompositions found using Orthogonalize and QRDecomposition for the following matrix :
Let be the result of applying Orthogonalize to the complex-conjugated columns of
Up to sign, this is the same result as given by QRDecomposition:
For some applications, it use useful to compute a so-called full QR decomposition, in which the is square (and thus unitary) and
has the same dimensions as the input matrix. Compute the full QR decomposition for the following matrix
There are only two linearly independent columns, so and
each have only two rows:
Use NullSpace to find vectors outside the span of the rows of , then orthogonalize the complete set:
Simply pad the matrix with zeros to make it the same shape as
Least Squares and Curve Fitting (4)
Use the QR decomposition to find the that minimizes
for the following matrix
and vector
Since ,
, and the normal equations
can be recast as
As is invertible (because the columns of
are linearly independent), the solution is
Confirm the result using LeastSquares:
Use the QR decomposition to solve for the following matrix
and vector
Compute the QR decomposition of , which gives an invertible
, as
has linearly independent rows:
Let as if solving the least-squares problem:
As the columns of span
must be a solution of the equation:
QRDecomposition can be used to find a best-fit curve to data. Consider the following data:
Extract the and
coordinates from the data:
Let have the columns
, so that minimizing
will be fitting to a line
As the columns of are linearly independent, the coefficients for a linear least‐squares fit are
Verify the coefficients using Fit:
Plot the best-fit curve along with the data:
Find the best-fit parabola to the following data:
Extract the and
coordinates from the data:
Let have the columns
, so that minimizing
will be fitting to
As the columns of are linearly independent, the coefficients for a least‐squares fit are
Verify the coefficients using Fit:
Properties & Relations (10)
The rows of q are orthonormal:
m is equal to ConjugateTranspose[q].r:
If is an
matrix, the
matrix will have
columns and the
QRDecomposition computes the "thin" decomposition, where and
have MatrixRank[m] rows:
If m is real-valued and invertible, the matrix of its QR decomposition is orthogonal:
If m is invertible, the matrix of its QR decomposition is unitary:
If a is an matrix and MatrixRank[a]==n, the
matrix of its QR decomposition is unitary:
If a is an matrix and MatrixRank[a]==m, the
matrix of its QR decomposition is invertible:
Moreover, PseudoInverse[a]==Inverse[r].q:
Orthogonalize can be used to compute a QR decomposition:
For an approximate matrix, it is typically different from the one found by QRDecomposition:
LeastSquares and QRDecomposition can both be used to solve the least-squares problem:
The Cholesky decomposition of coincides with
's QR decomposition up to phase:
Compute CholeskyDecomposition[ConjugateTranspose[m].]m:
Wolfram Research (1991), QRDecomposition, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/QRDecomposition.html (updated 2024).
Wolfram Language. 1991. "QRDecomposition." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2024. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/QRDecomposition.html.
Wolfram Language. (1991). QRDecomposition. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/QRDecomposition.html