Constructing Lists
The Wolfram Language provides powerful functions for constructing lists of any size and structure.
Range — form a list from a range of numbers or other objects {1,2,3,…}
Table — make a table of any dimension of values of an expression
Array — make an array of any dimension by applying a function to successive indices
ConstantArray — form of a constant array of any dimension
CenterArray — embed an array at the center of another array of any dimension
Subdivide — a list of equal subdivisions of an interval
CoordinateBoundsArray, CoordinateBoundingBoxArray — regular grids
SparseArray, Normal — create a list from a sparse array positionvalue specification
PowerRange — form a list of successive powers in a specified range
Tuples — all possible n-tuples from a list
Subsets ▪ Subsequences ▪ Permutations ▪ Groupings ▪ Outer
RandomInteger, RandomChoice, ... — make lists of random elements
Lists from Iteration
NestList — create a list by successively iterating a function
FixedPointList ▪ NestWhileList ▪ Append ▪ AppendTo
Sow, Reap — create lists of elements "sown" inside programs
IntegerDigits, RealDigits — make lists from digits in numbers
CoefficientList, CoefficientArrays — make lists from polynomials or equations
Characters — make a list from the characters in a string
CharacterRange — a list of a range of characters (e.g. "a" through "z")
ReplaceList — make a list of possible pattern replacements
Importing Data as Lists
Import ▪ ReadList ▪ BinaryReadList ▪ FindList ▪ FileNames