Linear and Nonlinear Filters
The Wolfram Language's highly optimized filtering capabilities provide a wide range of linear and modern nonlinear local filters, as well as a variety of nonlocal filters, which can be applied to arbitrary arrays of data and images.
Linear Filters
GaussianFilter — Gaussian and Gaussian derivatives filtering of images and arrays
DerivativeFilter — general-order derivative filter
MeanFilter ▪ GradientFilter ▪ LaplacianFilter ▪ WienerFilter ▪ MovingAverage
LowpassFilter ▪ HighpassFilter ▪ BandpassFilter ▪ BandstopFilter ▪ HilbertFilter ▪ DifferentiatorFilter
ListConvolve, ListCorrelate — convolve, correlate with any kernel
Convolution Kernels »
DiskMatrix ▪ BoxMatrix ▪ DiamondMatrix ▪ CrossMatrix
GaussianMatrix ▪ IdentityMatrix ▪ SparseArray
Nonlinear Filters
MedianFilter ▪ MinFilter ▪ MaxFilter ▪ MeanShiftFilter ▪ EntropyFilter ▪ CornerFilter ▪ RidgeFilter ▪ KuwaharaFilter ▪ BilateralFilter
CellularAutomaton — general cellular automaton