Mathematical Constants
The Wolfram Language incorporates the latest algorithms—some original to Wolfram Research—for evaluating mathematical constants to any number of digits of precision. For basic constants like and
, millions of digits can routinely be computed in seconds.
GoldenRatio — golden ratio
GoldenAngle — golden angle
EulerGamma — Euler's constant
StieltjesGamma — Stieltjes constants
Catalan — Catalan's constant
Glaisher — Glaisher's constant
Khinchin — Khinchin's constant
ChampernowneNumber — Champernowne numbers
Infinity ▪ ComplexInfinity ▪ DirectedInfinity ▪ Indeterminate ▪ Undefined
Root — general root of a polynomial
N — evaluate to any precision
RealDigits — list of digits
ContinuedFraction — continued fraction expansion
FullSimplify — simplify symbolic expressions involving constants