Transportation Data
The Wolfram Language has built-in access to extensive computable data on many forms of transportation. Free-form linguistics provide a convenient mechanism for accessing all available data; more common categories also have specific associated Wolfram Language functions.
) — request data using free-form linguistics
EntityValue — general access to values of properties for all types of entities
Entity ▪ EntityClass ▪ EntityList ▪ RandomEntity ▪ EntityFunction ▪ ...
Air Transportation
FlightData — real-time and historical data on US flights
Airport — 10000+ airports, airstrips and helipads around the world
Airline — airlines with flight and passenger statistics
Aircraft — 4000+ current and historical aircraft types
WeatherData — current and historical weather information
WeatherForecastData — forecasted weather information
GeoDistance — great circle distances between cities
Ground Transportation
TravelDirections — compute travel directions
TravelDirectionsData — data on travel paths, including maneuvers and instructions
TravelTime — estimated travel time for driving, biking, walking
TravelDistance — estimated travel distance
Country — countries and territories with data on road and rail networks, vehicles, etc.
City — worldwide cities with detailed traffic statistics for the US
GeoGraphics — detailed worldwide street maps
Water Transportation
Ocean — oceans, seas, bays and other saltwater bodies
Ship — large or notable current and historical ships
Space Transportation
Satellite — artificial satellites in Earth orbit, with real-time positions
MannedSpaceMission DeepSpaceProbe
Rocket — launch vehicles and other rockets