
represents an active page that takes input from a form and generates results on the same page by applying func to the values obtained from the form whose structure is defined by formspec.


represents an active form page with fields named namei interpreted as types typei.


uses labeli as the label for the field named namei.


uses defaulti as the default for the field specified by namespeci.


lays out the page according to the layout specification form.


uses initform as the initial layout specification and resform as the layout specification for result pages.

Details and Options

  • CloudDeploy[FormPage[]] yields a cloud object containing an active form page.
  • FormPage[formspec,func][<|"namek"->inputk,|>] inserts the inputs given into the initial form specified by the FormPage object.
  • Setting[FormPage[formspec,func]] evaluates to func applied to the current values of the form.
  • In FormPage[formspec,func,layout], possible specifications for layout include:
  • "ResultBelow"display results below the form
    "ResultAbove"display results above the form
    {elem1,elem2,}display layout elements in the specified order
  • In FormPage[formspec,func,{elem1,elem2,}], possible elemi include:
  • "Form"the form as specified by formspec
    "Result"results generated by applying func
    "Button"button for submitting the form
  • Overall options for FormPage include:
  • AppearanceRules Automaticassociation giving overall appearance rules
    FormLayoutFunction Automaticfunction to generate layout for the form
    FormProtectionMethodAutomaticmethod for spam protection
    PageTheme Automaticoverall theme to use for the form
    ImageFormattingWidth$ImageFormattingWidthwrapping width for output formatting
    ImageSizeAutomaticoverall image size for output


open allclose all

Basic Examples  (1)

Use FormPage to continuously interact with a webpage:

Scope  (31)

Interpreter Specifications  (6)

Use rich Interpreter specifications:

The Interpreter head is optional, but useful to specify options or other arguments to Interpreter:

A list can be used to create a menu:

An entity list can be used as a menu:

Choices can be any expression:

A list of rules allows for label specification:

Defaults  (3)

Specify a default for a field; fields that have a default are not required:

Fields can be optional without having a default:

Use RuleDelayed to evaluate a new default every time:

Input  (2)

Create a form with input inside:

Input can be delayed:

Label  (1)

Change the label for a field:

You can use RuleDelayed and return any expression:

Use None to remove the label:

Appearance  (4)

Change the default label to be something different from the key:

Labels can be any expression:

Change the appearance of single fields:

Use RuleDelayed to evaluate an expression in the cloud:

Use non-rule elements to change the default appearance:

Controls  (7)

Different types have different controllers. Color pickers for "Color":

Or file pickers for file formats:

Checkboxes for "Boolean":

Change the default controller:

Multiple choices support various types of controllers:

Labels for radio buttons can be anything you want:

The control specification also accepts pure functions:

Disambiguation  (3)

For strings that are interpreted from natural language in the Wolfram Cloud, sometimes results might be ambiguous:

Disambiguation is off for most types by default, but it can be easily activated:

Sometimes several parts of the expression are ambiguous:

Dynamic Forms  (1)

Parts of forms that contain TemplateSlot are not evaluated until the keys mentioned in TemplateSlot[key] are bound to a proper value:

Layout  (4)

Put the result below the form:

Put the result above the form:

Specify a custom order:

Specify a different order for the initial form and the results:

Options  (6)

AppearanceRules  (1)

Write a custom title and description:

Use an image for branding:

Use an "ItemLayout" to change form fields' appearance:

Change the submit label:

FormLayoutFunction  (1)

A pure function can be specified to give a specific layout to a form:

PageTheme  (4)

Deploy a form with a white theme:

Deploy a form with a blue theme:

Deploy a form with a black theme:

Deploy a form with a red theme:

Applications  (2)

Draw the flight path between two airports:

Get demographic data for a city:

Properties & Relations  (9)

FormPage is designed to be interchangeable with FormFunction:

FormPage is designed to be interchangeable with APIFunction:

And vice versa:

The first argument of FormPage can be given as a full FormObject:

FormPage evaluates so that the first argument becomes a full FormObject:

The single fields of a FormPage use Interpreter to transform the input in Wolfram Language expressions:

This is effectively the same as:

AnySubset can be used to generate a controller where more than one choice can be picked:

RepeatingElement can be used to create a group of fields that can be added and deleted:

CompoundElement can be used to create an extensible table of fields:

Possible Issues  (1)

Interpreter["String"] accepts an empty string. This is not true for FormPage, where the empty string and an empty field are considered equivalent:

Neat Examples  (1)

Make a simple web application to apply a filter to an image:

Wolfram Research (2015), FormPage, Wolfram Language function,


Wolfram Research (2015), FormPage, Wolfram Language function,


Wolfram Language. 2015. "FormPage." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.


Wolfram Language. (2015). FormPage. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_formpage, author="Wolfram Research", title="{FormPage}", year="2015", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 24-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_formpage, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={FormPage}, year={2015}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 24-October-2024 ]}