Graph Utilities Package
AdjacencyMatrix — SparseArray object representing a graph
ToCombinatoricaGraph — Combinatorica representation of a graph
VertexList — list of all vertices in a graph
EdgeList — list of all edges in a graph
GraphDistance — distance between two vertices in a graph
GraphPath — shortest path between two vertices
GraphDistanceMatrix — matrix of shortest paths between all vertices
PseudoDiameter — pseudo-diameter of an undirected graph and the two vertices used
NeighborhoodVertices — neighborhood vertices that can be reached
NeighborhoodSubgraph — neighborhood subgraph formed by vertices that can be reached
MaximalIndependentVertexSet — maximal independent vertex set of a graph
MaximalIndependentEdgeSet — maximal independent edge set
MaximalBipartiteMatching — maximal matching of a bipartite graph
StrongComponents — list of strongly connected components in a graph
WeakComponents — list of weakly connected components in a graph
Bicomponents — biconnected components of a graph
HamiltonianCycles — finding Hamiltonian cycles in a graph
FindHamiltonianCycle — attempting to find a Hamiltonian cycle by heuristics
GraphCoordinates — 2D layout of the vertices of a graph
GraphCoordinates3D — 3D layout of the vertices
PageRanks, PageRankVector — page rank of a graph
LinkRanks, LinkRankMatrix — link rank of a graph
MinCut — partition a graph into a given number of parts, minimizing edge cuts
CommunityStructureAssignment — assignment of vertices in a graph into communities
CommunityStructurePartition — partition of a graph into communities
CommunityModularity — community modularity of a given partition or assignment
MinimumBandwidthOrdering — vertex ordering that minimizes the bandwidth of a graph
ClosenessCentrality — closeness centrality of a graph
LineScaledCoordinate — coordinate in a polyline at a given scaled distance from an endpoint
GraphEdit — interactive graph editor for inputting and editing graphs
ExpressionTreePlot — plot an expression tree