Earth Sciences: Data & Computation
The Wolfram Language provides seamless access to the curated and continuously updated Wolfram Knowledgebase used in Wolfram|Alpha—which includes a wide range of types of data for the earth sciences. Free-form linguistics provide a convenient mechanism for accessing all available data; more common categories also have specific associated Wolfram Language functions.
) — request data using free-form linguistics
entity[property] — extract the value of a property for an entity
Earth Structure
GeoElevationData — elevation data for all locations on the Earth
GeogravityModelData — gravitational field data for all locations on Earth
GeomagneticModelData — detailed current and historical magnetic field data for the Earth
Geological Data
GeologicalPeriod GeologicalLayer Mineral OilField
Named Geographic Land Features »
Mountain — notable mountains, hills and other prominences worldwide
Volcano EarthImpact Cave Glacier
Seismological Data
EarthquakeData — real-time and historical data on earthquakes
NuclearExplosion NuclearTestSite
Geodesy & Mapping »
GeodesyData — data on reference ellipsoids and geodetic datums
GeoProjectionData — data on cartographic projections
FromDMS ▪ DMSString ▪ GeoDistance ▪ GeoDirection ▪ ...
GeoGraphics — create detailed relief, border, street, etc. maps
Oceanographic Data
StandardOceanData — computed standard ocean properties
TideData — computed tides for all standard tide stations
Named Geographic Features »
Ocean — oceans, seas and other large saltwater bodies
UnderseaFeature Island Reef Beach
Atmospheric Data
StandardAtmosphereData — computed Standard Atmosphere properties
AtmosphericLayer — named layers in the atmosphere
Cloud — named cloud types
ImageIdentify — identify cloud types from photographs
Weather History & Forecasts »
WeatherData — real-time and historical data from worldwide weather stations
AirTemperatureData ▪ AirPressureData ▪ WindSpeedData ▪ WindDirectionData
WeatherForecastData — forecasted data from global and regional forecast systems
Named Weather Events & Sites
TropicalStorm WeatherStation TideStation
Planetary Science Data »
Planet — solar system planets, with static and dynamic properties
SolarSystemFeature PlanetaryMoon MinorPlanet Exoplanet
GeoModel — specify alternative bodies (e.g. "Moon", "Mars") for geo mapping