Built on powerful and elegant principles, the core Mathematica language provides a uniquely deep and rich programming language that scales from rapid prototyping to large high-performance systems. Version 8.0 adds syntax-free linguistic input as a radical and innovative approach to programming. It also delivers many important performance features, such as automatic code generation, multicore parallelization, shared library linking, and GPU integration.

Wolfram|Alpha Integration »

( at beginning of input) use free-form linguistics to generate Wolfram System output

() enter free-form linguistics for conversion to inline Wolfram System input

WolframAlpha get results in many possible forms from Wolfram|Alpha

New Compiler Features »

Compile increase speed of computations by compiling to native code

CompilationTarget an option that specifies the target runtime for the compiled function, including C code

RuntimeAttributes an option that specifies the Listable attribute for the compiled function

Parallelization an option that specifies whether a compiled function should run in parallel

Dynamic Library Linking »

LibraryFunctionLoad load a function from a shared library into the Wolfram Language

LibraryFunction a function that calls into a shared library

LibraryFunctionInformation information on a library function

LibraryFunctionUnload, LibraryUnload unload functions and libraries

FindLibrary, $LibraryPath find libraries resolving system-specific file extensions

GPU Computing Using CUDALink »

CUDAInformation list all CUDA device information

CUDAImageConvolve convolve images with specified kernel

CUDAFunctionLoad load a user-defined function to run on a GPU using CUDA

CUDAErosion  ▪  CUDADilation  ▪  CUDAFourier  ▪  CUDADot  ▪  ...

CUDAMemoryLoad  ▪  CUDAMemoryAllocate  ▪  SymbolicCUDAFunction  ▪  ...

GPU Computing Using OpenCLLink »

OpenCLInformation list all OpenCL device information

OpenCLFunctionLoad load a user-defined function to run on a GPU using OpenCL

OpenCLMemoryLoad  ▪  OpenCLMemoryAllocate  ▪  SymbolicOpenCLFunction  ▪  ...

Generate C from Mathematica Programs »

Export export a Wolfram Language-compiled function into C code

CCodeGenerate export a Wolfram Language-compiled function into C code

CCodeStringGenerate  ▪  SymbolicCGenerate  ▪  LibraryGenerate

Symbolic Representation of C Code »

ToCCodeString convert a symbolic C expression into a string of C code

CAddress  ▪  CAssign  ▪  CBlock  ▪  CCall  ▪  CFor  ▪  CFunction  ▪  ...

CIf  ▪  CMember  ▪  CPointerType  ▪  CReturn  ▪  CStruct  ▪  ...

Call C Compilers from Mathematica »

CreateExecutable create an executable from C code

CreateLibrary create a library from C code

Conditionals »

ConditionalExpression represent an expression that is valid when a condition is satisfied

New in Message Handling

Assert test an assertion

$AssertFunction specify a function to apply to assertions that fail

Performance Improvements in Parallel Computing

Parallelize (modified) performance improvements, automatic distribution of definitions

LaunchKernels (modified) kernel-launching performance improvements

DistributeDefinitions (modified) definition-distribution performance improvements