gives the discrete difference .
gives the multiple difference .
gives the multiple difference with step h.
computes the partial difference with respect to i, j, ….
Details and Options

- DifferenceDelta[f,i] can be input as if. The character is entered
or \[DifferenceDelta]. The variable i is entered as a subscript.
- All quantities that do not explicitly depend on the variables given are taken to have zero partial difference.
- DifferenceDelta[f,i,j] can be input as i,jf. The character \[InvisibleComma], entered as
, can be used instead of the ordinary comma.
- DifferenceDelta[f,{i,n,h}] can be input as { i,n,h }f.
- DifferenceDelta[f,…,Assumptions->assum] uses the assumptions assum in the course of computing discrete differences.
open allclose allBasic Examples (4)
The fifth difference with respect to i:
The second difference with respect to i and step h:
Enter using diffd
, and subscripts using
DifferenceDelta is the inverse operator to Sum:
Scope (21)
Basic Use (5)
Compute the first and second difference:
Compute the first and second difference with step h:
The first partial difference :
Partial differences with steps r and s:
DifferenceDelta threads over lists:
Special Sequences (11)
Each difference will lower the degree by one:
FactorialPower is typically more convenient than Power for discrete operations:
You can always convert to a Power representation through FunctionExpand:
DifferenceDelta on FactorialPower has the same effect as D on Power:
Differences of rational functions will stay as rational functions:
Negative powers of FactorialPower are rational functions:
Their differences are particularly simple:
Differences of PolyGamma are rational functions:
PolyGamma in discrete calculus plays a role similar to Log in continuous calculus:
HarmonicNumber and Zeta also produce rational function differences:
Differences of exponentials stay exponentials:
Binary powers play the same role for DifferenceDelta that
does for D:
Polynomial exponentials stay polynomial exponentials:
Rational exponentials stay rational exponentials:
Differences of LerchPhi times exponential are rational exponentials:
Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions:
Differences of trigonometric functions stay trigonometric:
A general hypergeometric term is defined by having a rational DiscreteRatio:
The difference of hypergeometric will produce a rational function times a hypergeometric term:
The difference of a q-hypergeometric term is a q-rational multiple of the input:
Holonomic sequences of order 2:
The difference of GammaRegularized with respect to i is a hypergeometric term:
Similarly for BetaRegularized:
The difference for MarcumQ is expressed in terms of BesselI:
Applications (9)
Sums and Difference Equations (3)
Verify the answer for an indefinite sum:
Construct an exact difference form:
The indefinite sum may differ by a constant:
Use DifferenceDelta to define difference equations:
Additional Operators (3)
Define a symbolic Mean operator for sequences through DifferenceDelta:
Use it for any special sequences:
Define a backward difference operator:
Use it for any special sequences and operators:
Factorial Series (2)
Define a factorial power series:
The factorial series is exact for polynomials when the order is larger than the degree:
The series is also a Newton series, which is computed by InterpolatingPolynomial:
Factorial power series approximate general functions:
The approximation gets better for higher degree:
Factorial power series interpolate exactly at a sequence of points:
Compare to power series that interpolate a sequence of derivatives exactly at a single point:
Define the n coefficient for a factorial power series:
The coefficient for FactorialPower[x,2]:
The coefficient for FactorialPower[x,n]:
Probability and Statistics (1)
The PDF of a discrete probability distribution can be computed from the CDF of the distribution by using DifferenceDelta:
Properties & Relations (7)
DifferenceDelta is a linear operator:
DifferenceDelta satisfies a Leibniz product rule:
DifferenceDelta is the inverse operation of Sum:
DifferenceDelta can be expressed in terms of DiscreteShift:
DiscreteShift can be expressed in terms of DifferenceDelta:
DifferenceDelta is the discrete analog of D:
Use Differences to compute differences of list elements:
Express DifferenceDelta in terms of DiscreteRatio:
Wolfram Research (2008), DifferenceDelta, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/DifferenceDelta.html.
Wolfram Language. 2008. "DifferenceDelta." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/DifferenceDelta.html.
Wolfram Language. (2008). DifferenceDelta. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/DifferenceDelta.html