Mathematica has long set the standard for high-end technical graphics and visualization. Version 6.0 added many innovative options that brought automated aesthetics to a new level, introducing powerful new programmatic parametrizations of visual presentation, and allowing new forms of high-level control over the visualization pipeline.

New General Visualization Options

RegionFunction arbitrary 2D and 3D plotting regions

Filling, FillingStyle filling under curves, surfaces, points

Mesh (modified), MeshFunctions general meshing for curves and surfaces

ColorFunction general coloring based on coordinates, parameters, etc.

ContourLabels (modified) automatic contour labels

ClippingStyle  ▪  MeshShading  ▪  BoundaryStyle  ▪  ContourStyle (modified)

New in Function Visualization

Exclusions, ExclusionsStyle symbolic control of discontinuities

MaxRecursion (modified) full adaptivity in 3D, contour, density plots

EvaluationMonitor ongoing monitoring of function sampling

PerformanceGoal whether to try to optimize for speed, quality, etc.

NormalsFunction full control over 3D surface normals

New in Data Visualization

PlotMarkers automatic distinctive rendering of points

InterpolationOrder smoothing or stepping between data values in 2D and 3D

Joined points versus lines separately selectable for each dataset

VertexColors, VertexNormals automatically interpolated color and normals data

MaxPlotPoints (modified)  ▪  DataReversed

New Graphics Options

Lighting (modified) extended to new types of light sources

ImageSize (modified) generalized to allow flexible constraints, relative sizes, etc.

ImagePadding padding to allow for labels etc.

PlotRangeClipping  ▪  PlotRangePadding  ▪  ImageMargins  ▪  Antialiasing

AlignmentPoint  ▪  BaselinePosition

ViewRange, ViewVector, ViewAngle new 3D view/"camera" controls

LabelStyle  ▪  TicksStyle  ▪  FrameTicksStyle  ▪  GridLinesStyle  ▪  FaceGridsStyle

Annotation Features »

Tooltip add tooltips to any plot or data element

Mouseover  ▪  StatusArea  ▪  PopupWindow  ▪  ...