displays expr in a plot as a callout pointing to data.
displays a callout with expr at a position specified by pos.
displays a callout anchored at a position specified by apos.
Details and Options

- Callout[data,expr,…] can be used as a wrapper in visualization functions such as Plot, ListPlot, etc.
- Callout[expr,…] can be used in PlotLabels to specify callouts, similar to Placed.
- expr can be any expression, including strings, graphics, and formulas.
- The callout position pos and anchor positions apos are automatically computed when specific positions are not given.
- Possible callout positions pos vary by function, but typically include:
x near the data at a position x {x,y} at a position {x,y} Scaled[s] scaled position s along the data Above,Below,Before,After relative positions {s,Above},{s,Below},… relative position at position s along the data {pos,epos} epos in expr placed at position pos Automatic pos is automatically determined - Possible anchor positions apos include:
x near the data at a position x {x,y} at a position {x,y} Scaled[s] scaled position s along the data Automatic apos is automatically determined - Callout takes the following options:
Appearance Automatic overall style of the callout Background Automatic style of the label background CalloutMarker None marker to use for the anchor position apos CalloutStyle Automatic style to use for strokes and knockouts Frame Automatic frame of the label box FrameMargins Automatic margins to leave inside the frame LabelStyle {} style to use for the label LabelVisibility Automatic priority relative to other labels LeaderSize Automatic length and angle to use for the leader RoundingRadius 0 radius for rounded corners - Possible values for Appearance:
"Leader" a leader is used from label to data "CurvedLeader" a curved leader "SlantedLabel" an angled label and neck "Frame" full frame around expr "Line" a partial frame around expr "Corners" frame corners around expr "Balloon" a balloon around expr "LineBalloon" a partial balloon around expr None no leader is drawn - Possible settings for CalloutMarker are:
None no marker is used "name" use named marker Arrowheads[…] arrowhead specification g expression g - The named markers "name" are:
"CirclePoint","Circle" circular markers "BoxPoint", "Box" square markers "Star", "OpenStar" star markers "Arrow", "OpenArrow" arrow markers - CalloutStyle specifies the style to be used for the marker, leader, neck, and frame. The marker, leader, and neck typically have the space around them padded with the ambient background color to increase visibility.
- Possible values for CalloutStyle are:
Automatic default style is used sty use style sty, with the default knockout style {sty,kosty} use kosty for the knockout style - Possible values for LeaderSize:
Automatic automatic leader size lr length of the leader {lr,lθ,s} leader length lr at angle lθ and the gap s to the anchor {{lr,lθ,s},{nr,nθ}} leader specification with neck length nr at angle nθ

open allclose allBasic Examples (4)
Scope (15)
Label Placement (8)
Callouts are placed near individual points:
Callouts are automatically placed at the ends of curves:
Place callouts relative to the points:
Place labels near an absolute position on a curve:
Place labels near a scaled position on a curve:
Place labels above the curve near the given positions:
Place a label at a specific point:
Specify the position in the label that connects to the leader:
Anchor Placement (3)
Options (17)
CalloutMarker (2)
LabelVisibility (3)
LeaderSize (3)
Wolfram Research (2016), Callout, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2019).
Wolfram Language. 2016. "Callout." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2019.
Wolfram Language. (2016). Callout. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from