Geographic Data & Entities
The Wolfram Language has built-in access to extensive geographic data, including detailed worldwide maps and computable information on millions of geographic entities. Free-form linguistic input makes it easy to specify geographic entities and classes of entities (e.g. "counties in Illinois"). The Wolfram Language then provides an integrated symbolic representation for geographic constructs, together with detailed ontological classification and the ability to do sophisticated geodetic computations, as well as computations on socioeconomic and other data.
Entering Geographic Constructs »
) — use free-form linguistics to specify geographic entities, properties, etc.
SemanticInterpretation ▪ Interpreter ▪ ...
Representing Geographic Constructs »
Entity — a geographic entity of specified type (e.g. )
CommonName — common printable name of a geographic entity
EntityClass ▪ EntityList ▪ ...
GeoVariant — specify variants of entities (e.g. US with or without Alaska)
GeoGroup — treat multiple geo objects as a single group for purposes of computation
Geographic Location Properties
GeoPosition — find the geo position of a given geographic entity
GeoNearest — find the nearest object of a given type to a location
GeoIdentify — identify which country, state, etc. a given location is in
GeoWithinQ — determine whether a given location is within a specified region
GeoEntities — give a list of the geographic entities of a particular type in a region
GeoDistance — find the distance between geographic entities or locations
$GeoLocation ▪ $GeoLocationCountry ▪ $GeoLocationCity ▪ ...
WikipediaSearch — find Wikipedia entries near a given location
Time & Daylight Properties
LocalTime, LocalTimeZone — find the local time, time zone at a given location
DayHemisphere ▪ NightHemisphere ▪ DayNightTerminator
GeoOrientationData — precise data about the orientation of Earth in space
Mapping, etc. »
GeoListPlot — plot locations and paths on a map
GeoRegionValuePlot — create a geographic heat map
GeoBubbleChart ▪ GeoSmoothHistogram ▪ GeoHistogram
GeoGraphics — get customized worldwide maps at any scale
GeoPath ▪ GeoDisk ▪ GeoMarker ▪ ...
GeoStyling — access different map styles ("OutlineMap", "StreetMap", "ReliefMap", ...)
GeoElevationData — worldwide elevation data
GeomagneticModelData — current and historical magnetic field data
GeogravityModelData — gravitational field of the Earth
Entities & Data for Political Geography
Country — countries and territories, with hundreds of properties
HistoricalCountry — 2000+ known historical countries
AdministrativeDivision — states, counties, provinces etc. worldwide
City — cities and named populated places worldwide
ZIPCode USCongressionalDistrict DistrictCourt
CountryData, CityData — specialized access to data about countries, cities
TimeZone — worldwide time zones
Entities & Data for Physical Geography »
GeographicRegion — continents and other large regions on the Earth
Ocean — oceans, seas and other large saltwater bodies
Island UnderseaFeature Reef Beach
Mountain — notable mountains, hills and other prominences worldwide
Desert Forest Volcano EarthImpact
Data on Geographic Points of Interest
Airport — 10000+ airports, airstrips and helipads worldwide
Park Bridge Tunnel Dam NuclearReactor
Building — notable buildings, skyscrapers, towers and other structures
University — institutions of higher education
PublicSchool PrivateSchool SchoolDistrict LibraryBranch LibrarySystem Museum
Related Data »
WikipediaData — full information from Wikipedia about all geographic entities and topics
WeatherData ▪ WeatherForecastData ▪ EarthquakeData ▪ PlanetData
Importing Geospatial Data »
Import — import data maintaining symbol structure, annotations, etc.
"SHP" ▪ "SDTS" ▪ "USGSDEM" ▪ "TIGER" ▪ "SP3" ▪ ...
Interpreting Geographic Entities »
Interpreter — interpret strings as entities etc.