Signal Visualization & Analysis

Overview  »

Signal analysis is the task of transforming, manipulating and interpreting signals to extract useful information and gain insight into the properties of the systems that created them. The role of signal visualization is to graphically display signals to make the relevant patterns, trends and anomalies visible to the human eye.

Visualization »

ListPlot plot a discrete-time signal

ListLinePlot  ▪  DateListPlot  ▪  Histogram  ▪  ...

Feature Extraction

FindPeaks find peaks in a signal

FindAnomalies find anomalies in a signal

CrossingDetect  ▪  ContourDetect  ▪  MinDetect  ▪  MaxDetect

Statistical Analysis »

Histogram plot a signal histogram

HistogramList  ▪  Mean  ▪  Variance  ▪  FindFit  ▪  MovingAverage  ▪  ...

Spectral Analysis »

Fourier compute the discrete Fourier transform of a signal

Periodogram show power spectrum of a signal

PeriodogramArray  ▪  InverseFourier  ▪  FourierSequenceTransform  ▪  ...

Time-Frequency Analysis »

Spectrogram show the time-frequency content of a signal

ShortTimeFourier compute the short-time Fourier transform of a signal

InverseShortTimeFourier  ▪  InverseSpectrogram  ▪  SpectrogramArray  ▪  Cepstrogram  ▪  CepstrogramArray

Wavelet Analysis »

DiscreteWaveletTransform discrete wavelet transform (DWT)

DaubechiesWavelet Daubechies wavelet family

InverseWaveletTransform  ▪  WaveletListPlot  ▪  WaveletScalogram  ▪  ...

Time Series Analysis »

DateListPlot plot a time series

MovingMap  ▪  Differences  ▪  TimeSeriesModelFit  ▪  TimeSeriesForecast  ▪  ...

Audio Analysis »

AudioPlot plot an audio signal

AudioMeasurements  ▪  AudioLocalMeasurements  ▪  AudioIntervals  ▪  ...

Image Analysis »

ImagePeriodogram show frequency content of an image

ImageMeasurements  ▪  EdgeDetect  ▪  FindFaces  ▪  ...