Audio Analysis

Overview  »

Audio analysis is achieved by visually or programmatically inspecting local and global features in an audio signal in order to extract information or gain insight. Typical applications include understanding speech and speakers or analyzing music, environmental or wild life sounds. Together with optimized signal processing for time or frequency analysis as well as high-level machine learning and neural network capabilities, Wolfram Language provides solutions for applications in a variety of areas.

Audio Visualization

AudioPlot waveform plot of audio

Spectrogram spectrogram or time-frequency plot of audio

Periodogram power spectrum plot of audio

Cepstrogram power cepstra plot of audio

Understanding Speech »

SpeechRecognize convert a spoken audio signal to text

SpeechCases  ▪  SpeechInterpreter  ▪  ...

Understanding General Audio Signals

AudioIdentify attempt to identify what an audio signal is a recording of

PitchRecognize  ▪  AudioInstanceQ

Analyzing Audio

AudioDistance compute a distance measure between two audio objects

AudioBlockMap apply a function to audio partitions

AudioLoudness compute different loudness standards of an audio signal

AudioIntervals  ▪  AudioMeasurements  ▪  AudioLocalMeasurements

Frequency Analysis

ShortTimeFourier compute short-time Fourier transform (STFT)

Fourier  ▪  PeriodogramArray  ▪  SpectrogramArray  ▪  CepstrogramArray  ▪  CepstrumArray  ▪  InverseShortTimeFourier  ▪  InverseSpectrogram

Audio Annotations

AudioAnnotate annotate an audio object

AudioAnnotationLookup  ▪  AnnotationDelete  ▪  AnnotationRules

Machine Learning & Neural Networks »

Classify, Predict create and apply classifiers or predictors to audio signals

Nearest  ▪  FeatureNearest  ▪  FeatureSpacePlot  ▪  FindClusters  ▪  ...

NetEncoder  ▪  NetChain  ▪  NetGraph  ▪  ...

Models from the Wolfram Neural Net Repository »

"VGGish Feature Extractor Trained on YouTube Data" (feature extraction)  ▪  "CREPE Pitch Detection Net Trained on Monophonic Signal Data" (pitch detection)  ▪