Audio Representation

Overview »
The Wolfram Language provides fully integrated audio support, including fast and efficient in-memory data, as well as large out-of-core local and remote files. The built-in audio enables a range of uses, from immediate playing and scrubbing to advanced programmatic processing and analysis.
Creating & Importing Audio
Audio — create an audio signal from an array of data
AudioGenerator — generate noise, oscillator and more
AudioCapture — capture an audio signal from an input device
SpeechSynthesize— synthesize a speech signal from text
WebAudioSearch — search for audio tracks on the web
Import ▪ ExampleData ▫ ResourceData
Exporting Audio
Export — export audio to an audio file
Audio Options
Appearance — the graphics user interface to use for representing the audio object
AudioLabel — the label to use on the audio GUI
MetaInformation — metadata stored in an audio object, imported and exported
SampleRate — the sample rate to use for playing audio
AudioOutputDevice ▪ AudioInputDevice ▪ AudioChannelAssignment
Audio Properties
AudioQ — test whether an expression is valid audio
AudioData — the list of audio samples
Duration ▪ AudioLength ▪ AudioChannels ▪ AudioSampleRate ▪ AudioType
Audio Annotations
AudioAnnotate — annotate an audio object
AudioAnnotationLookup ▪ AnnotationDelete ▫ AnnotationRules
Programmatic Capture & Playback
AudioPlay — create an audio output stream and start playing
AudioRecord — create an audio input stream and start recording
AudioStream — a stream created from an audio object for programmatic playback
AudioPause ▪ AudioStop ▪ AudioStreams ▪ RemoveAudioStream
Analyzing Audio
AudioDistance — compute a distance measure between two audio objects
AudioBlockMap — apply a function to audio partitions
AudioLoudness — compute different loudness standards of an audio signal
AudioIntervals ▪ AudioMeasurements ▪ AudioLocalMeasurements
Fourier ▪ PeriodogramArray ▪ ShortTimeFourier ▪ SpectrogramArray ▪ CepstrogramArray ▪ CepstrumArray
InverseShortTimeFourier ▪ InverseSpectrogram
Audio Visualization
AudioPlot — waveform plot of an audio signal
Spectrogram ▪ Periodogram ▪ Cepstrogram ▪ ListPlot
Audio Devices
$AudioOutputDevices — list of available audio output devices
$DefaultAudioOutputDevice — default audio device to use for audio playback
$AudioInputDevices — list of available audio input devices
$DefaultAudioInputDevice — default audio input device to use for audio recording