给出 expr 的符号傅里叶变换.
给出 expr 的多维傅里叶变换.

- The Fourier transform and its inverse are a way to transform between the time domain and the frequency domain.
- Fourier transforms are typically used to reduce ordinary and partial differential equations to algebraic or ordinary differential equations, respectively. They are also used extensively in control theory and signal processing. Finally, they have applications in studying quantum mechanical phenomena, noise filtering, etc.
- The Fourier transform of the time domain function
is the frequency domain function
- 在缺省情况下,函数
- The multidimensional Fourier transform of a function
is by default defined to be
or when using vector notation
- 不同的定义选择可以使用选项 FourierParameters 指定.
- The integral is computed using numerical methods if the third argument,
, is given a numerical value.
- The asymptotic Fourier transform can be computed using Asymptotic.
- There are several related Fourier transformations:
FourierTransform infinite continuous-time functions (FT) FourierSequenceTransform infinite discrete-time functions (DTFT) FourierCoefficient finite continuous-time functions (FS) Fourier finite discrete-time functions (DFT) - The Fourier transform is an automorphism in the Schwartz vector space of functions whose derivatives are rapidly decreasing and thus induces an automorphism in its dual: the space of tempered distributions. These include absolutely integrable functions, well-behaved functions of polynomial growth and compactly supported distributions.
- Hence, FourierTransform not only works with absolutely integrable functions, but it can also handle a variety of tempered distributions such as DiracDelta to enlarge the pool of functions or generalized functions it can effectively transform.
- 可以给出下列选项:
AccuracyGoal Automatic digits of absolute accuracy sought Assumptions $Assumptions 所做的参数假定 FourierParameters {0,1} 定义的傅里叶转换的参数 GenerateConditions False 是否产生关于参数条件的结果 PerformanceGoal $PerformanceGoal aspects of performance to optimize PrecisionGoal Automatic digits of precision sought WorkingPrecision Automatic the precision used in internal computations - Common settings for FourierParameters include:
{0,1} default setting/physics {1,-1} systems engineering/mathematics {-1,1} classical physics {0,-2Pi} ordinary frequency {a,b} general setting - 在 TraditionalForm 中,FourierTransform 用 ℱ 输出. »

打开所有单元关闭所有单元基本范例 (6)
范围 (44)
Basic Uses (4)
Fourier transform of a function for a symbolic parameter :
Fourier transforms of trigonometric functions:
Evaluate the Fourier transform for a numerical value of the parameter ω:
TraditionalForm formatting:
Elementary Functions (8)
Special Functions (5)
Piecewise Functions and Distributions (7)
Periodic Functions (5)
Fourier transform of SquareWave:
Generalized Functions (5)
Fourier transform involving HeavisideTheta:
Derivative of DiracDelta:
Multivariate Functions (5)
Bivariate Fourier transform of a constant:
Product of power and exponential:
Fourier transform of a product of exponential and SquareWave functions:
Formal Properties (3)
选项 (7)
AccuracyGoal (1)
The option AccuracyGoal sets the number of digits of accuracy:
Assumptions (1)
Specify the range of a variable using Assumptions:
FourierParameters (2)
GenerateConditions (1)
Use GenerateConditionsTrue to get parameter conditions for when a result is valid:
PrecisionGoal (1)
The option PrecisionGoal sets the relative tolerance in the integration:
WorkingPrecision (1)
If WorkingPrecision is specified, the computation is done at that working precision:
应用 (11)
Signals and Systems (3)
Find the convolution of signals:
The product of their Fourier transforms:
Compare with Convolve:
Spectrum of the product of two signals, with one given in the frequency domain by:
The Fourier transform of the signal :
The Fourier transform of the product of with the original signal is the convolution of its transforms:
Frequency response of an LTI system defined by an ODE:
Apply the Fourier transform over the equation:
Solve for the Fourier transform of :
The frequency response of the LTI system is the ratio of the Fourier transforms of the output function over the input function
Ordinary Differential Equations (1)
Solve a differential equation using Fourier transforms:
Apply the Fourier transform over the equation:
Solve for the Fourier transform:
Find the inverse transform to get the solution:
Compare with DSolveValue:
Partial Differential Equations (1)
Consider the heat equation: with initial condition
Fourier transform with respect to :
Compute the inverse Fourier transform:
And convolution to get the solution:
Consider the special case with initial condition and
Compare with DSolveValue:
Plot the initial conditions and solutions for different values of :
Evaluation of Integrals (1)
Calculate the following definite integral:
Compute the Fourier transform with respect to and interchange the order of transform and integration:
Use the inverse Fourier transform to get the result:
Compare with Integrate:
Other Applications (5)
平面中径向对称函数的傅立叶变换可以表示为汉克尔变换. 验证由下面定义的函数的这种关系:
用 HankelTransform 得到同样的结果:
计算平稳 OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess 的功率谱:
A quick look at the Heisenberg uncertainty principle:
Consider a fixed-area box function as the position space wavefunction of a particle. Its Fourier transform gives the momentum space wavefunction of the particle:
When is small, the height of the fixed-area box is big, and the position of the particle is almost guaranteed. The momentum space wavefunction is approximately
for values between its two roots closest to zero, which makes it almost impossible to find its momentum. Similarly, vice versa, as seen here:
属性和关系 (6)
By default, the Fourier transform of is:
For , the definite integral becomes:
Compare with FourierTransform:
用 Asymptotic 计算渐近逼近:
FourierTransform 和 InverseFourierTransform 是互逆的:
对奇函数,FourierTransform 和 FourierCosTransform 是相等的:
对偶函数,FourierTransform 和 FourierSinTransform 的差异为 :
Wolfram Research (1999),FourierTransform,Wolfram 语言函数, (更新于 2025 年).
Wolfram 语言. 1999. "FourierTransform." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research. 最新版本 2025.
Wolfram 语言. (1999). FourierTransform. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 年