String Manipulation

Integrated into the core Wolfram Language is industrial-strength string manipulation, not only with ordinary regular expressions but also with the Wolfram Language's own powerful general symbolic string-pattern language.

"string" a string, allowing Unicode or special characters

Structural Operations

StringJoin (<>) join strings together

StringLength length of a string

StringSplit split a string at spaces or other delimiters

StringTake, StringDrop, StringTakeDrop take or drop parts of a string

StringPart get one or more characters from specific positions in a string

String Patterns »

StringExpression a symbolic string expression including symbolic string patterns

Longest  ▪  Shortest  ▪  Except  ▪  Whitespace  ▪  NumberString  ▪  ...

Operations on Strings »

StringApply apply a function to the characters in a string

StringReplace make replacements for string patterns

StringCases find cases of string patterns

StringContainsQ test whether a string contains a string pattern

StringCount  ▪  StringPosition  ▪  StringRepeat  ▪  StringDelete  ▪  ...

Sort  ▪  AlphabeticSort  ▪  RemoveDiacritics

LLM-Based Operations »

LLMResourceFunction apply operations from the Wolfram Prompt Repository

LLMFunction  ▪  LLMExampleFunction  ▪  LLMPrompt  ▪  LLMTool  ▪  ...

String Templating »

StringTemplate create a string template

<**> expression for evaluation within a string template

`` slot for substitution

TemplateApply  ▪  FileTemplateApply  ▪  ...

Text Construction »

StringRiffle  ▪  StringPadLeft  ▪  Pluralize  ▪  LLMSynthesize  ▪  ...

Character-Oriented Operations »

Characters break a string into a list of characters

ToUpperCase  ▪  ToCharacterCode  ▪  LetterQ  ▪  Alphabet  ▪  ...

String Alignment & Comparison »

SequenceAlignment find matching sequences in strings

Diff return the diff between two strings

Nearest find strings nearest in edit distance

HammingDistance  ▪  EditDistance  ▪  LongestCommonSubsequence  ▪  ...

String Analysis »

CharacterCounts  ▪  TextWords  ▪  DictionaryLookup  ▪  WordCloud  ▪  ...

String Semantics »

ToString, ToExpression convert between expressions and strings

Interpreter interpret strings according to many type specifications

SemanticInterpretation interpret strings semantically

ImportString, ExportString translate strings in many file and other formats

"XML"  ▪  "Table"  ▪  ...

TextString give a textual version of any expression as a string

Systems-Related Operations »

Hash  ▪  StringForm  ▪  StringToByteArray  ▪  Compress  ▪  Encrypt  ▪  ...

Operations on File Names »

FileNameSplit  ▪  FileNameTake  ▪  FileBaseName  ▪  ExpandFileName  ▪  ...

Operations on URLs »

URLEncode  ▪  URLDecode  ▪  URLBuild  ▪  URLParse  ▪  ...