Summary of New Features in 10.4
A list of key new features since 10.3.
Core Language
open all close allAssociation — support for pattern matching and significant speedup in many operations
KeyValuePattern — pattern-matching construct for elements in associations
List Operations
FindTransientRepeat — find transient and repeating part of a sequence
Subsequences — all subsequences of a list
Operator Forms
Mathematical Computation & Algorithms
Number Theory
PolygonalNumber — triangular and other polygonal numbers
MersennePrimeExponent — exponents for which
is prime
PerfectNumber — th perfect number
MersennePrimeExponentQ ▪ PerfectNumberQ
GreenFunction — Green's function for ordinary and partial differential equations
DifferenceQuotient — ordinary and partial difference quotients
Signal Processing
BiquadraticFilterModel — easy-to-specify biquad filters
Cluster Analysis
ClusterClassify — classify based on clusters found in data
Textual Computation & Data
DictionaryWordQ — test if a word is a correctly spelled dictionary word
SpellingCorrectionList — list of spelling suggestions for misspelled words
WordFrequency — frequency of words or -grams in text
WordFrequencyData — data on current and historical word frequencies in typical text
Real-World Data & Quantities
WeatherForecastData — forecasted worldwide weather data
UniverseModelData — cosmological distances, structure, and evolution
Mixed Units
MixedMagnitude, MixedUnit — general support for mixed units (e.g. feet, inches)
Quantities in Probability & Statistics »
QuantityDistribution — a distribution of quantities
RandomVariate — generate random quantity data
EstimatedDistribution — estimate a quantity distribution from quantity data
Geo Computation
DynamicGeoGraphics — interactive geo graphics with panning and zooming
GeoLength — length of a geodetic path
GeoDistanceList — successive pairwise distances between a list of geodetic positions
TravelDistanceList — successive pairwise travel distances between a list of locations
Graphs & Networks
PlanarGraph — graph constructor for planar graphs
PlotTheme — full suite of plot themes for graph-related functions
Regions & Geometry
Geometrical Computation
ArrayMesh — general mesh constructor from arrays
MomentOfInertia — moment of inertia for any region
RegionMoment — general integral moment for regions
BoundingRegion — simple and efficient bounding regions for point sets
RegionMeasure — support for parameter formulas
Geometry Formats
"DAE" — support for the COLLADA digital asset exchange format
"DXF" — new large-scale support for the DXF format
HighlightImage — dramatically expanded capabilities for highlighting elements of images
DynamicImage — interactive image viewer for panning and zooming in large images
Visualization & Display
ListPlot — support for wrappers, data labels, and scaling functions
ListLinePlot ▪ ListStepPlot ▪ DateListPlot ▪ DateListStepPlot ▪ ListLogPlot ▪ ListLogLogPlot ▪ ListLogLinearPlot
Dendrogram — hierarchical clustering plot
Highlighted — display any object highlighted
User Interaction
AskFunction — program that can ask questions during execution
Ask — ask for a value if necessary, or just return it if already known
AskedValue — get a value so long as it has already been asked
AskAppend ▪ AskConfirm ▪ AskedQ
AskTemplateDisplay — display an expression with known values inserted
Cloud & Systems
CloudExpression — persistent structured expression in the cloud
CreateCloudExpression ▪ DeleteCloudExpression ▪ CloudExpressions ▪ PartProtection
URLDispatcher — explicitly define how particular relative URLs should be handled
CreateFile — create a new file
External Services
Interpreter Types
"AnatomicalStructureClass" ▪ "ComputedFoodType" ▪ "ComputedGrammaticalUnit" ▪ "ComputedHeuristicPercent" ▪ "ComputedNetworkService" ▪ "ComputedPercentFraction" ▪ "ComputedPersonTitle" ▪ "ComputedWolframLanguageSymbol" ▪ "CreditCardNumber" ▪ "Digit" ▪ "FoodType" ▪ "GrammaticalUnit" ▪ "HeldMathMLExpression" ▪ "HeldTeXExpression" ▪ "HeuristicPercent" ▪ "InactiveMathMLExpression" ▪ "InactiveTeXExpression" ▪ "MathMLExpression" ▪ "NetworkService" ▪ "OrdinalNumber" ▪ "PercentFraction" ▪ "PersonTitle" ▪ "TeXExpression" ▪ "WolframLanguageSymbol"