Summary of New and Improved Features in 14.1

A list of key new and improved features since 14.0, including features experimental in 14.1.

Core Language

open all close all

Natural Language Input

FreeformEvaluate (=[]) language-level support for ( )

Functional Programming

BitFlip flip one of the bits of an integer number

StringApply apply a function of the characters of a string

AllSameBy test whether all elements of a list are the same after a function is applied

AllMatch test whether all elements of a list match a given pattern

AnyMatch  ▪  NoneMatch

Nest (updated), NestList (updated) now have an operator form

Quantities & Units

QuantityQ (updated), KnownUnitQ (updated) new argument to check physical quantities or dimensions

Strings and Streams

Options (updated) now supports symbol names in addition to symbols

$StandardOutputStream, $StandardErrorStream symbolic representations of "stdout" and "stderr"

FileNameJoin (updated) now supports a sequence of arguments in addition to a list

CharacterCounts (updated) now supports a list of strings

LetterCounts  (updated)   ▪  WordCounts  (updated) 

Machine Learning & Neural Networks »

Semantic Search and Retrieval-Augmented Generation

LLMPromptGenerator add context-dependent messages to an LLM prompt

SemanticSearch search in a text corpus by semantic similarity

SemanticSearchIndex  ▪  CreateSemanticSearchIndex  ▪  UpdateSemanticSearchIndex  ▪  SemanticSearchIndices

LLM Related Functionality »

LLMSynthesize (updated), ChatEvaluate (updated) added support for multimodal input

TextSummarize (updated) added support for vector databases

New and updated service connections to LLMs.

"AlephAlpha"  ▪  "Anthropic"  (updated)   ▪  "GoogleGemini"  ▪  "MistralAI"  ▪  "Cohere"  ▪  "DeepSeek"  ▪  "TogetherAI"  ▪  "Groq"  ▪  "OpenAI"  (updated) 

Vector Database Infrastructure

VectorDatabaseSearch approximate nearest neighbor search in vector database

CreateVectorDatabase create a database from a list of vectors

CreateSemanticSearchIndex create vector database from text

VectorDatabaseObject  ▪  AddToVectorDatabase  ▪  VectorDatabaseObjects

GPU and NPU Accelerated Neural Network Inference

TargetDevice (updated) support for CoreML (macOS) and DirectML (Windows)

"ONNX" (updated) significant speedup in model export, expanded model coverage in import

NetChain  (updated)   ▪  NetGraph  (updated)   ▪  NetExternalObject  (updated) 

Regression with Uncertainty

LinearModelFit (updated), NonlinearModelFit (updated) support for uncertainty using Around

Mathematical Computation

Symbolic Vector, Matrix & Array Variables

D (updated) symbolic differentiation of vector, matrix and array expressions

Grad  ▪  Div  ▪  Laplacian

VectorSymbol create a symbolic vector variable

MatrixSymbol  ▪  ArraySymbol  ▪  NonThreadable

Differentiable Symbolic Array Functions

Transpose  (updated)   ▪  Dot  (updated)   ▪  ArrayDot  ▪  TensorProduct  (updated)   ▪  TensorContract  (updated)   ▪  Total  (updated)   ▪  Inverse  (updated)   ▪  Tr  (updated)   ▪  Det  (updated)   ▪  Norm  (updated)   ▪  KroneckerProduct  (updated)   ▪  TensorWedge  (updated)   ▪  Cross  (updated)   ▪  Adjugate  (updated)   ▪  PseudoInverse  (updated)   ▪  LinearSolve  (updated)   ▪  LeastSquares  (updated)   ▪  Eigenvalues  (updated)   ▪  Mean  (updated)   ▪  Variance  (updated)   ▪  Covariance  (updated)   ▪  Correlation  (updated)   ▪  AbsoluteCorrelation  (updated)   ▪  StandardDeviation  (updated)   ▪  Kurtosis  (updated)   ▪  Skewness  (updated)   ▪  Moment  (updated)   ▪  CentralMoment  (updated)   ▪  FactorialMoment  (updated)   ▪  Cumulant  (updated)   ▪  MatrixPower  (updated)   ▪  MatrixExp  (updated)   ▪  MatrixLog  (updated)   ▪  MatrixFunction  (updated) 

Symbolic Array Constructors

Standard constructors needed for symbolic vector, matrix and array formulas.

SymbolicZerosArray symbolic array of zeros

SymbolicOnesArray  ▪  SymbolicIdentityArray  ▪  SymbolicDeltaProductArray

Array Operations

ArrayDot generalization of Dot, needed for the array chain rule of differentiation

Transpose  (updated)   ▪  ConjugateTranspose  (updated) 

LinearSolve (updated) can now solve array equations

LeastSquares (updated) can now solve array least-squares problems

Stability Analysis of Differential and Difference Equations

DStabilityConditions stability analysis for systems of differential equations

RStabilityConditions stability analysis for systems of difference equations

DFixedPoints  ▪  RFixedPoints


Solve (updated) now efficiently support the MaxRoots option

SolveValues  (updated)   ▪  FindInstance  (updated)   ▪  NSolve  (updated)   ▪  MaxRoots  (updated) 

BooleanConvert (updated) additional formats


DSolve (updated) now accepts equations of the form y'==y without dependent variables

UnilateralDiscreteConvolve unilateral or causal convolution to go with ZTransform


NMinimize (updated) dramatically improved performance of frequently used NelderMead method

NMaximize  (updated)   ▪  NMinValue  (updated)   ▪  NMaxValue  (updated)   ▪  NArgMin  (updated)   ▪  NArgMax  (updated) 

Special Functions

SinDegrees sine function with degree argument

ArcSinDegrees arc sine function returning degrees

CosDegrees  ▪  TanDegrees  ▪  CotDegrees  ▪  SecDegrees  ▪  CscDegrees  ▪  ArcCosDegrees  ▪  ArcTanDegrees  ▪  ArcCotDegrees  ▪  ArcSecDegrees  ▪  ArcCscDegrees

PascalBinomial Binomial that preserves Pascal's identity for all integers

Date & Time

High Performance Date & Time Conversions

FromDateString (updated) date and time string parsing up to times faster

DateObject (updated) new sub-second granularities like "Millisecond" or "Nanosecond"

Descriptive Statistics for Dates & Times

ConformDates conform a list of dates or times to have shared granularity and calendar

Mean (updated) compute descriptive statistics for dates and times

BiweightLocation  (updated)   ▪  BiweightMidvariance  (updated)   ▪  CentralMoment  (updated)   ▪  Correlation  (updated)   ▪  Covariance  (updated)   ▪  Cumulant  (updated)   ▪  InterquartileRange  (updated)   ▪  Kurtosis  (updated)   ▪  Max  (updated)   ▪  Mean  (updated)   ▪  MeanDeviation  (updated)   ▪  Median  (updated)   ▪  MedianDeviation  (updated)   ▪  Min  (updated)   ▪  QnDispersion  (updated)   ▪  Quantile  (updated)   ▪  QuartileDeviation  (updated)   ▪  Quartiles  (updated)   ▪  QuartileSkewness  (updated)   ▪  RankedMax  (updated)   ▪  RankedMin  (updated)   ▪  Skewness  (updated)   ▪  SnDispersion  (updated)   ▪  StandardDeviation  (updated)   ▪  TrimmedMean  (updated)   ▪  TrimmedVariance  (updated)   ▪  Variance  (updated)   ▪  WinsorizedMean  (updated)   ▪  WinsorizedVariance  (updated) 

Distributions for Dates & Times

DateDistribution a distribution of dates from any numerical distribution

TimeDistribution a distribution of times from any numerical distribution

Astronomy & Geography


AstroRiseSet compute rise and set times for any astronomical object, observed anywhere on any date

ReferenceAltitude new option defining rise and set events, to compute twilight times

Sunrise  (updated)   ▪  Sunset  (updated) 

AstroGraphics (updated) improved visuals with new projection engine and new coordinate ticks

AstroPosition (updated) alternative built-in ephemeris system based on orbital elements


GeoNearest (updated) support for geo and temporal computation with historical entities

GeoWithinQ  (updated)   ▪  GeoEntities  (updated)   ▪  GeoIdentify  (updated)   ▪  GeoDistance  (updated)   ▪  GeoVariant  (updated) 

"GeoTIFF" (updated) improved backend of geo format


Biomolecular Computation

BioMolecule a large biopolymer composed of peptide, DNA or RNA units

BioMoleculePlot3D display a biomolecule as a ribbon diagram

BioMoleculeValue find properties of biomolecules

Geometry, Graphs & Graphics

AR Publishing

High-fidelity rendering of plots and graphics in AR devices

ARPublish (updated) generate a gallery from a list of models

"USD" (updated), "GLTF" (updated) add support of colors

3D Printing

Generate models with parts in color for 3D printers.

Printout3D (updated) print out colored printable models

"OBJ"  (updated)   ▪  "DAE"  (updated)   ▪  "FBX"  (updated)   ▪  "VRML"  (updated) 

Constructive Solid Modeling

Easily model geometric regions using constructive solid modeling techniques.

CSGRegion (updated) add styling for CSG regions and primitives


Convenient constructors for polar curves.

PolarCurve represent a curve given in polar coordinates

FilledPolarCurve represent a filled region of a polar curve

Improved workflows and usability for geometric regions.

RegionConvert (updated) give a spline representation of geometric regions

BooleanRegion (updated) automatic visualization of Boolean regions

BoundaryDiscretizeRegion (updated), DiscretizeRegion (updated) improved for composite regions

BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics (updated), DiscretizeGraphics (updated) works on all graphics primitives

TransformedRegion (updated), InverseTransformedRegion (updated) automatic visualization

Graphs & Networks

Fast algorithms to compute on large graphs.

GraphTriangleCount count triangle cycles in a graph

PageRankCentrality (updated), BetweennessCentrality (updated) compute centralities on large graphs

Documentation updates with illustrations and more.

ButterflyGraph  (updated)   ▪  NestGraph  (updated)   ▪  CayleyGraph  (updated)   ▪  TreeForm  (updated)   ▪  BipartiteGraphQ  (updated)   ▪  EulerianGraphQ  (updated)   ▪  VertexTransitiveGraphQ  (updated)   ▪  EdgeTransitiveGraphQ  (updated)   ▪  ChromaticPolynomial  (updated)   ▪  GraphHub  (updated)   ▪  MeanGraphDistance  (updated)   ▪  GraphDistanceMatrix  (updated)   ▪  VertexEccentricity  (updated)   ▪  GraphDensity  (updated)   ▪  GraphLinkEfficiency  (updated)   ▪  GlobalClusteringCoefficient  (updated)   ▪  MeanClusteringCoefficient  (updated)   ▪  LocalClusteringCoefficient  (updated)   ▪  GraphAssortativity  (updated) 

Video Computation »

Video Creation »

All generation and processing functions now display current frame in the progress monitor.

AnimationVideo  (updated)   ▪  TourVideo  (updated)   ▪  VideoGenerator  (updated)   ▪  ...

Declarative Video Creation

ManipulateVideo video from Manipulate using keyframe parameters

Manipulate (updated) updated to accept KeyframeActions option

KeyframeActions keyframe specifications for exporting Manipulate experiments

ConstantVideo video of a static image

Programmatic Video Creation

SowVideo, ReapVideo sow video snippets to later reap the full video

VideoFrameFold transform a video using a stateful iteration

Video Processing

VideoTranscribe add a subtitle track to video from audio transcription

Video Object

Improved FFmpeg installation on macOS.

Video (updated) adding ImageResolution option to better display high-resolution videos

VideoSummaryPlot plot a summary of the video and audio tracks

Audio Functions now Support Video

AudioAmplify  (updated)   ▪  AudioChannelMix  (updated)   ▪  AudioDelay  (updated)   ▪  AudioIdentify  (updated)   ▪  AudioInstanceQ  (updated)   ▪  AudioIntervals  (updated)   ▪  AudioLocalMeasurements  (updated)   ▪  AudioLoudness  (updated)   ▪  AudioMeasurements  (updated)   ▪  AudioNormalize  (updated)   ▪  AudioPan  (updated)   ▪  AudioPitchShift  (updated)   ▪  AudioPlot  (updated)   ▪  AudioResample  (updated)   ▪  AudioReverb  (updated)   ▪  AudioReverse  (updated)   ▪  AudioTimeStretch  (updated)   ▪  Cepstrogram  (updated)   ▪  Periodogram  (updated)   ▪  PitchRecognize  (updated)   ▪  Spectrogram  (updated)   ▪  SpeechCases  (updated)   ▪  SpeechInterpreter  (updated)   ▪  SpeechRecognize  (updated) 

Audio & Image Computation

Speech Computation »

SpeechRecognize (updated) high quality, fast and support for multiple languages

LanguageIdentify (updated) now works on audio and video

Classify  (updated)   ▪  "SpokenLanguage"

Computer Vision »

TextRecognize (updated), FindImageText (updated) using operating system OCR (macOS only)

RemoveBackground (updated) a new method for people segmentation

Other Updates

AudioDelete (updated), AudioReplace (updated), AudioTrim (updated) support for Interval as an argument

AudioIdentify (updated), SpeechRecognize (updated) support for Interval in Masking option

Colorize (updated) significant speed improvement up to times faster

PDE Modeling »

Electromagnetics »

ElectricCurrentPDEComponent model electric currents

ElectrostaticPDEComponent (updated) updated electrostatic systems

ElectricCurrentDensityValue  ▪  ElectricPotentialCondition  (updated)   ▪  ElectricSymmetryValue  (updated) 

Electromagnetics Overview overview monograph about modeling electromagnetics

Electric Currents monograph about modeling electric currents

Fluid Dynamics »

FluidFlowPDEComponent (updated) new non-Newtonian fluid model

Laminar Flow (updated) updated monograph section on the Carreau model

Heat Transfer »

HeatTransfer (updated) new monograph sections on point sources in axisymmetric models

Solid Mechanics »

VonMisesStress computes the von Mises stress from a stress tensor

Partial Differential Equation Models »

SchrodingerPDEComponent (updated) now supports anisotropic mass

PDE Application Models »

"Electrostatically Actuated MEMS"  ▪  "Thermal Contact"  ▪  "Cerebral Aneurysm"  ▪  "Axisymmetric Conical Quantum Dot"  ▪  "Beam - Spring - Mass System Physics"  ▪  "Room Heating System Physics"

Importing & Exporting »

XML Formats »

"XML" (updated) backend update that gives significant speed improvement and bug fixes

Geography Formats

"GeoTIFF" (updated) improved backend of geo format

Geometry & Graphics Formats

"USD" (updated), "GLTF" (updated) add support of colors

"OBJ"  (updated)   ▪  "DAE"  (updated)   ▪  "FBX"  (updated)   ▪  "VRML"  (updated) 


NotebookCellData data about the cells in the notebook

Input Assistance

Typing or placing the selection in any symbol will highlight identical instances of the symbol elsewhere in the cell

Fuzzy input completions now support completions of context names

Entities now produce a help widget on hover that opens a help page for the appropriate entity class


Diff view the diffs between two notebooks, files, strings, lists, etc.

Diff3 perform a three-way diff on supported diff targets

DiffApply apply a diff change set to an existing object

DiffAlignmentMethod  ▪  DiffGranularity  ▪  DiffIgnore  ▪  DiffIncludeMatches  ▪  DiffInputFunction  ▪  DiffStyle

Question & Answer Framework

AssessmentFunction (updated) supports the "AlgebraicValue" method for equation-solving problems

QuestionObject (updated) features updated graphic design for question interfaces

"TextCompletion" creates a fill-in-the-blank QuestionObject

"SelectCompletion"  ▪  "DragCompletion"  ▪  "DragCategorize"  ▪  "Sort"  ▪  "ClickLocations"

Code Compilation & Data Structures

FunctionCompile (updated) reports progress and gives a detailed report on compilation errors

FunctionCompileExportLibrary  ▪  FunctionCompileExport  ▪  FunctionCompileExportString  ▪  FunctionCompileExportByteArray

CompilerInformation (updated) displays information about functions and types known to the compiler

CreateCompilerEnvironment (updated) now supports multiple target systems, which enhances multi-platform cross-compilation

FunctionCompile (updated) now supports CompilerRuntimeErrorAction option, which controls behavior when errors are encountered running compiled code

OperationDeclaration declare code for operations declared for a type

TypeDeclaration (updated) new options "Creator" and "Operations" that declare functions to create instances of a type and operations on a type

DeclareCompiledComponent (updated) new setting "RawLibraryFunctions" that declares functions to provide a raw library export from a component library

ForAllType (updated) conditions can now be given as a list of alternative types

Data Structures

"LeastRecentlyUsedCache" enhanced by support for a function to call when an entry is eliminated.

Enhanced operations for "SortedKeyStore" and "SortedMultiSet" data structures by internal use of "RedBlackTree".

Functions Enhanced in Compiled Code

BinCounts  ▪  Cross  ▪  AlternatingFactorial  ▪  BellB  ▪  CompositeQ  ▪  DeBruijnSequence  ▪  Det  ▪  DigitCount  ▪  Divisors  ▪  DivisorSigma  ▪  Fibonorial  ▪  FiniteGroupCount  ▪  FrobeniusNumber  ▪  FrobeniusSolve  ▪  FromDigits  ▪  IntegerPartitions  ▪  LiouvilleLambda  ▪  MersennePrimeExponent  ▪  MersennePrimeExponentQ  ▪  MoebiusMu  ▪  NextPrime  ▪  NumberDecompose  ▪  NumberDigit  ▪  PartitionsP  ▪  PartitionsQ  ▪  PerfectNumber  ▪  PerfectNumberQ  ▪  PolygonalNumber  ▪  Prime  ▪  PrimeNu  ▪  PrimeOmega  ▪  PrimePi  ▪  PrimeQ  ▪  RamanujanTau  ▪  RamanujanTauTheta  ▪  RamanujanTauZ  ▪  RiemannXi  ▪  SquareFreeQ

Enhancements in Compiler Operations

Enhanced compilation of nested pure functions that enhance inlining.

Enhanced type inferencing while processing alternative constraints.

External Evaluations & Kernel Management

ExternalOperation symbolic representation of external operations

ExternalEvaluate (updated) support for evaluating external operations

ExternalFunction (updated) support for evaluating methods on external objects

ExternalObject (updated) support for external objects in arguments of external functions

StartExternalSession (updated) support for external session identifiers

Kernel Management

CloseKernels now allows the same syntax for kernel selection that ParallelEvaluate supports

Parallel Computation

$DistributedDefinitions gives the list of all symbols whose definitions have been distributed to parallel subkernels

ClearDistributedDefinitions clears all distributed definitions