Summary of New Features in 14
Core Language
open all close allList Manipulation »
Threaded — thread arrays at deep levels of other arrays
DeleteElements — delete elements from a list
DeleteAdjacentDuplicates — delete identical adjacent elements in a list
SymmetricDifference, UniqueElements — compare elements of several lists
Evaluation and Error Handling
ArgumentsOptions (updated), CheckArguments (updated) — support for operator forms
PropagateAborts — fine-tune whether aborts are cleared or reissued
TerminatedEvaluation — representation of an expression whose evaluation was stopped
TraceOriginal (updated) — finer-grained control over evaluation chains to include
Until — perform evaluations until passing a test
Functional Programming »
Comap, ComapApply — apply lists of functions to an expression
MapApply — apply a function at level one
ReplaceAt — use replacement rules at specific positions
Expression Testing
CountDistinct (updated) — now allows a comparison function to be given
DisjointQ (updated), IntersectingQ (updated), SubsetQ (updated) — new SameTest option
PositionSmallest, PositionLargest — positions of smallest and largest elements in a list
RealValuedNumberQ — test if an expression is a number with a real value
RealValuedNumericQ — test if an expression represents a number with a real value
DigitSum — sum of decimal digits in an integer
RomanNumeral (updated), FromRomanNumeral (updated) — faster conversions with Roman numerals
ByteArray (updated) — now supports empty arrays
Assignments »
Clear (updated) ▪ ClearAll (updated) ▪ Remove (updated) ▪ Protect (updated) ▪ Unprotect (updated) ▪ Definition (updated) ▪ FullDefinition (updated)
OwnValues (updated) — now supports symbol names in addition to symbols
DownValues (updated) ▪ UpValues (updated) ▪ SubValues (updated) ▪ DefaultValues (updated)
StringFreeQ ▪ StringContainsQ ▪ StringStartsQ ▪ StringEndsQ ▪ StringMatchQ
Entity Framework
EntityType — symbolic representation of an entity type
EntityProperty (updated), EntityClass (updated), EntityPropertyClass (updated) — support for child types
Persistent Values
PersistentSymbol, LocalSymbol — support reassignment functions on parts
Unit Testing
TestCreate — create a test object from an input and an expected output
TestObject — symbolic representation of a unit test
IntermediateTest — create intermediate tests inside TestCreate
TestEvaluate ▪ TestEvaluationFunction
Kernel Management
KernelConfigurationEdit — edit properties for a given kernel
$DefaultParallelKernels — list of kernels configured for parallel computing
Parallel Computation
ParallelEvaluate — allow selection of subsets of kernels
Parallelize — support functions on associations (AssociationMap, KeyMap, KeySelect)
Core Calculus
ImplicitD — implicit differentiation
IntegrateChangeVariables — change of variables in integrals
DSolveChangeVariables — change of variables in differential equations
Fractional Calculus
Fractional Calculus — introduction to fractional calculus
FractionalD — Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative
NFractionalD — numerical fractional differentiation
CaputoD — Caputo fractional derivative
NCaputoD — numerical Caputo differentiation
LaplaceTransform (updated) — can now transform Caputo fractional derivatives
DSolve (updated) — can now solve Caputo fractional differential equations
MittagLefflerE (updated) — the "exponential" of fractional DEs
Vector Calculus
LineIntegrate — vector line integrals
NLineIntegrate — numerical vector line integrals
SurfaceIntegrate — vector surface integrals
NSurfaceIntegrate — numerical vector surface integrals
Complex Analysis
ContourIntegrate — complex contour integration
NContourIntegrate — numerical complex contour integration
ResidueSum — sum the residues of a function over a region, typically for contour integration
Integral Transforms
LaplaceTransform (updated) ▪ InverseLaplaceTransform (updated)
UnilateralConvolve — unilateral (AKA causal, one-sided) convolution
Differential & Difference Equations
IncludeSingularSolutions — DSolve can now also find singular solutions
RSolveValue (updated) — can now use symbolic vector variables
DSolveValue (updated) — improved quality and performance for constant coefficient linear DEs
RSolveValue (updated) — improved quality and performance for constant coefficient linear ΔEs
Support StateSpaceModel and TransferFunctionModel in place of equations.
DSolveValue (updated) ▪ RSolveValue (updated) ▪ RecurrenceTable (updated)
TruncateSum — make it easy to work with infinite sum representations produced by DSolve and other functions
Symbolic Differential Equations (updated) — introduction to symbolic differential equations
Asymptotic Calculus
Asymptotic (updated) — can now give infinite-order asymptotics for analytic functions
AsymptoticDSolveValue (updated) — asymptotic solution of fractional DEs
AsymptoticDSolveValue (updated) — can now use symbolic vector variables
AsymptoticRSolveValue (updated) — can now use symbolic vector variables
High-Performance Polynomial Algebra
Faster univariate and multivariate polynomial operations, as well as some additional functionality such as modular factoring of multivariate polynomials.
PolynomialGCD (updated) ▪ PolynomialLCM (updated) ▪ Factor (updated) ▪ FactorList (updated) ▪ FactorSquareFree (updated) ▪ FactorSquareFreeList (updated) ▪ Resultant (updated) ▪ Discriminant (updated) ▪ Subresultants (updated)
High-Performance Univariate Rational Linear Algebra
LinearSolve (updated) ▪ RowReduce (updated) ▪ Inverse (updated) ▪ NullSpace (updated) ▪ MatrixRank (updated) ▪ Det (updated) ▪ MatrixPower (updated)
Finite Fields
FiniteField — represent a finite field
FiniteFieldElement — represent an element of a finite field
FiniteFieldEmbedding ▪ FrobeniusAutomorphism ▪ FiniteFieldElementTrace ▪ FiniteFieldElementNorm ▪ MinimalPolynomial ▪ MultiplicativeOrder ▪ FiniteFieldElementPrimitiveQ
ToFiniteField, FromFiniteField — convert expressions to and from finite field versions
FiniteFieldIndex, FromFiniteFieldIndex — convert to and from the index representation
Factor (updated) — factor a polynomial over a finite field
PolynomialGCD (updated) — find the g.c.d. of polynomials with coefficients from a finite field
FactorList (updated) ▪ FactorSquareFree (updated) ▪ FactorSquareFreeList (updated) ▪ PolynomialLCM (updated) ▪ PolynomialExtendedGCD (updated) ▪ Expand (updated) ▪ Together (updated) ▪ Cancel (updated) ▪ IrreduciblePolynomialQ (updated) ▪ PolynomialQuotient (updated) ▪ PolynomialRemainder (updated) ▪ PolynomialQuotientRemainder (updated) ▪ Resultant (updated) ▪ Discriminant (updated)
Dot (updated) ▪ LinearSolve (updated) ▪ Inverse (updated) ▪ RowReduce (updated) ▪ NullSpace (updated) ▪ MatrixRank (updated) ▪ Det (updated) ▪ CharacteristicPolynomial (updated) ▪ LUDecomposition (updated)
Solve (updated) ▪ SolveValues (updated) ▪ Reduce (updated) ▪ FindInstance (updated) ▪ Resolve (updated)
Equation Solving
NSolve (updated) — better support for large-scale equation solving, including a monodromy-based method for polynomial and holomorphic systems of equations
MaxRoots — limit the number of roots computed
Structured Matrices
PermutationMatrix — structured matrices with short specifications and fast computations
LowerTriangularMatrix ▪ UpperTriangularMatrix ▪ BlockDiagonalMatrix ▪ BlockLowerTriangularMatrix ▪ BlockUpperTriangularMatrix ▪ VandermondeMatrix ▪ CauchyMatrix ▪ SymmetricMatrix ▪ HermitianMatrix ▪ OrthogonalMatrix ▪ UnitaryMatrix
IdentityMatrix (updated) ▪ DiagonalMatrix (updated) ▪ ToeplitzMatrix (updated) ▪ HankelMatrix (updated) ▪ FourierMatrix (updated)
TargetStructure — specify the form of generated output
Support for TargetStructure in matrix constructors.
CholeskyDecomposition (updated) ▪ CoreNilpotentDecomposition (updated)
DiagonalMatrix (updated) ▪ IdentityMatrix (updated) ▪ ToeplitzMatrix (updated) ▪ HankelMatrix (updated) ▪ FourierMatrix (updated) ▪ HilbertMatrix (updated) ▪ UpperTriangularize (updated) ▪ LowerTriangularize (updated) ▪ UpperTriangularMatrix (updated) ▪ LowerTriangularMatrix (updated) ▪ PermutationMatrix (updated) ▪ VandermondeMatrix (updated) ▪ CauchyMatrix (updated) ▪ BlockDiagonalMatrix (updated) ▪ BlockLowerTriangularMatrix (updated) ▪ BlockUpperTriangularMatrix (updated) ▪ FourierDCTMatrix (updated) ▪ FourierDSTMatrix (updated) ▪ ReflectionMatrix (updated) ▪ RotationMatrix (updated) ▪ EulerMatrix (updated) ▪ HadamardMatrix (updated) ▪ RollPitchYawMatrix (updated) ▪ PauliMatrix (updated)
Matrix decompositions with TargetStructure support. Matrix decompositions are explicitly made to produce structured matrices such as triangular, orthogonal and diagonal.
QRDecomposition (updated) ▪ SingularValueDecomposition (updated) ▪ HessenbergDecomposition (updated) ▪ SchurDecomposition (updated)
Interval Matrices
Dot (updated) ▪ Inverse (updated) ▪ MatrixPower (updated) ▪ MatrixExp (updated)
LinearSolve (updated) ▪ LUDecomposition (updated) ▪ CholeskyDecomposition (updated)
Eigenvalues (updated) ▪ Eigenvectors (updated) ▪ Eigensystem (updated) ▪ Det (updated) ▪ CharacteristicPolynomial (updated)
Mathematical Functions »
Interval Evaluation for Mathematical Functions
CenteredInterval (updated) — interval evaluation supported in 36 more special functions
Interval (updated) — is now supported in all special functions that do interval evaluation
AlternatingFactorial (updated) ▪ AngerJ (updated) ▪ Binomial (updated) ▪ CatalanNumber (updated) ▪ DawsonF (updated) ▪ EllipticNomeQ (updated) ▪ FactorialPower (updated) ▪ Fibonacci (updated) ▪ FresnelF (updated) ▪ FresnelG (updated) ▪ Gudermannian (updated) ▪ HankelH1 (updated) ▪ HankelH2 (updated) ▪ HarmonicNumber (updated) ▪ Haversine (updated) ▪ InverseGudermannian (updated) ▪ InverseHaversine (updated) ▪ JacobiZeta (updated) ▪ LogisticSigmoid (updated) ▪ LucasL (updated) ▪ ParabolicCylinderD (updated) ▪ ScorerGi (updated) ▪ ScorerGiPrime (updated) ▪ ScorerHi (updated) ▪ ScorerHiPrime (updated) ▪ SphericalBesselJ (updated) ▪ SphericalBesselY (updated) ▪ SphericalHankelH1 (updated) ▪ SphericalHankelH2 (updated) ▪ Subfactorial (updated) ▪ Surd (updated) ▪ WeberE (updated) ▪ WhittakerM (updated) ▪ WhittakerW (updated) ▪ ZernikeR (updated) ▪ Erf (updated) ▪ CarlsonRF (updated) ▪ CarlsonRC (updated) ▪ CarlsonRG (updated) ▪ CarlsonRJ (updated) ▪ CarlsonRD (updated) ▪ CoulombF (updated) ▪ CoulombG (updated) ▪ CoulombH1 (updated) ▪ CoulombH2 (updated) ▪ DirichletL (updated) ▪ HurwitzLerchPhi (updated) ▪ InverseErf (updated) ▪ InverseErfc (updated) ▪ LerchPhi (updated) ▪ RiemannSiegelTheta (updated) ▪ RiemannSiegelZ (updated) ▪ WeierstrassP (updated) ▪ WeierstrassPPrime (updated) ▪ WeierstrassSigma (updated) ▪ WeierstrassZeta (updated) ▪ WeierstrassHalfPeriods (updated) ▪ WeierstrassHalfPeriodW1 (updated) ▪ WeierstrassHalfPeriodW2 (updated) ▪ WeierstrassHalfPeriodW3 (updated) ▪ WeierstrassInvariants (updated) ▪ WeierstrassInvariantG2 (updated) ▪ WeierstrassInvariantG3 (updated)
Hypergeometric Functions
AppellF1 (updated) ▪ AppellF2 ▪ AppellF3 ▪ AppellF4
BilateralHypergeometricPFQ — bilateral, i.e. doubly infinite, hypergeometric function
Trees »
Tree Construction & Representation »
Tree (updated) — extended representation, including associations of children nodes
UnlabeledTree — display a tree without labels
ExpressionTree (updated), TreeExpression (updated) — new structure conversions (XML, JSON, FileSystem...)
FileSystemTree — tree of subdirectories and files in a directory
Tree Visualization »
Tree (updated) — improved graphic design, tree layout and elision
TreeOutline (updated) — label and elision options
TreeElementShape — specify the visual shape of tree nodes
TreeElementLabelStyle ▪ TreeElementLabelFunction ▪ TreeElementStyleFunction ▪ TreeElementSize ▪ TreeElementSizeFunction ▪ TreeElementShapeFunction ▪ TreeElementCoordinates
ParentEdgeStyle — specify the style of tree edges
ParentEdgeLabel ▪ ParentEdgeLabelStyle ▪ ParentEdgeLabelFunction ▪ ParentEdgeStyleFunction ▪ ParentEdgeShapeFunction
MaxDisplayedChildren ▪ $MaxDisplayedChildren
Tree Operations »
RootTree — first n levels of a tree
TreeLeafCount — count number of leaves in a tree
Machine Learning »
Supervised Machine Learning »
Cluster Analysis »
ClusteringMeasurements — analyze the result of a clustering process
Improved automation, support for fixed number of clusters and UpTo.
FindClusters (updated) ▪ ClusterClassify (updated) ▪ ClusteringComponents (updated)
Interpretable Machine Learning
FeatureValueImpactPlot — plots the impact of a feature on a model result
FeatureImpactPlot — plots the impact of each feature together
CumulativeFeatureImpactPlot — plots the cumulative impact of each feature
FeatureValueDependencyPlot — plots the result dependency on a feature value
Classify (updated), ClassifierMeasurements (updated) — use FittedModel as input
LinearModelFit (updated), NonlinearModelFit (updated) — support for uncertainty in the response data
BayesianMaximization (updated) ▪ BayesianMinimization (updated)
LinearModelFit (updated) ▪ GeneralizedLinearModelFit (updated) ▪ LogitModelFit (updated) ▪ ProbitModelFit (updated) ▪ NonlinearModelFit (updated)
Neural Networks »
NetExternalObject — represent an external model that can be used for inference
Network Layers »
AttentionLayer (updated) — support for dropout and local masking
BatchNormalizationLayer (updated) — faster GPU execution
ConvolutionLayer (updated) — support for "Dilation" in 3D
ElementwiseLayer (updated) — new activations "Mish" and "GELU"
NormalizationLayer (updated) — added "GroupNumber" parameter
RandomArrayLayer (updated) — support for more statistical distribution
ReplicateLayer (updated) — support for integer arrays
ResizeLayer (updated) — support for resampling "Scheme" parameter
Support for Unitize, KroneckerDelta, PossibleZeroQ, Threshold, Mod and Clip.
ThreadingLayer (updated) ▪ FunctionLayer (updated) ▪ ElementwiseLayer (updated)
Network Training »
NetTrain (updated), LossFunction (updated) — support for multi-output and nonscalar loss
Encoders & Decoders »
"Image" (updated) — resampling and padding support
"Class" (updated) — support for top-k and top-p sampling (nucleus sampling)
Video Computation »
Video Object
Video (updated) — improved GUI performance and stability, improved storage and sharing, automatic rotation for portrait videos
PlaybackSettings — an option to control playback settings in the video GUI
Video Creation »
VideoCapture — interactive video recording from webcams and other devices
VideoScreenCapture — interactive screen video recording
TourVideo — create a tour from 2D graphics and geo graphics
Tour3DVideo — create a tour around 3D graphics
FrameListVideo (updated) ▪ OverlayVideo (updated) ▪ GridVideo (updated) ▪ VideoRecord (updated)
Video Editing »
VideoExtractTracks — separate all tracks or take out specific video, audio or subtitle tracks
VideoTranscode (updated) — transcode multiple videos to have conformed properties
VideoJoin (updated) — speed improvement, smooth transitions
OverlayVideo (updated) — support for text and other overlays, as well as timed overlays
VideoCombine (updated) — support for adding subtitles
VideoTimeStretch (updated) — support for VideoTransparency option
VideoFrameMap (updated), VideoMap (updated), … — better support for videos of different duration
VideoTransparency ▪ VideoPadding ▪ VideoEncoding (updated) ▪ GeneratedAssetLocation (updated)
RemoveAlphaChannel (updated) ▪ SetAlphaChannel (updated) ▪ AlphaChannel (updated)
ImageEffect (updated) ▪ ImageTake (updated) ▪ ImageTrim (updated) ▪ ImageReflect (updated) ▪ ImageRotate (updated) ▪ ImagePerspectiveTransformation (updated) ▪ ImageTransformation (updated) ▪ ImageForwardTransformation (updated) ▪ ImageRecolor (updated)
Image Computation »
Segmentation Analysis »
A new generation of neural networks and flexible ways of specifying goals gives substantially more powerful segmentation capabilities used in a variety of functions.
ImageSegmentationComponents — segment an image into components
ImageSegmentationFilter — filters an image for the foreground components
ImageCases (updated) ▪ ImageContents (updated) ▪ RemoveBackground (updated) ▪ ImageSaliencyFilter (updated) ▪ Inpaint (updated)
Image Generation »
ImageSynthesize — generate an image from a textual prompt
BarcodeImage (updated) — support for new barcodes (UPCE and Code93)
ImageCompose (updated) — support for plain or styled text and arbitrary expressions for overlays
Computer Vision »
ImageIdentify (updated) — updated accuracy of the core model; added a smaller, faster model
TextRecognize (updated), FindImageText (updated) — higher accuracies using neural network methods
BarcodeRecognize (updated) — support for MicroQR
FindImageShapes — find common shapes (lines, circles, ellipses, ...) in an image
Image Geometric Operations »
ImageStitch (updated) — support for spherical and cylindrical projection spaces
ImageDisplacements (updated) — support for animated images, adding a new method
ImageFeatureTrack (updated) — support for animated images
Colors »
RGBColor (updated) ▪ CMYKColor (updated) ▪ Hue (updated) ▪ LCHColor (updated) ▪ LABColor (updated) ▪ LUVColor (updated) ▪ XYZColor (updated) ▪ GrayLevel (updated)
Audio & Signal Computation »
Audio Processing »
Audio (updated) — significant GUI update for better performance and consistency with other GUIs
AudioTimeStretch (updated), AudioPitchShift (updated) — improved quality and speed
Speech Computation »
Support for speech recognition and synthesis through external services (Google, OpenAI & ElevenLabs).
SpeechRecognize (updated) ▪ SpeechSynthesize (updated) ▪ VoiceStyleData (updated)
Dates, Quantities & Uncertainty
Date & Time »
RandomDate, RandomTime — uniform distribution of random dates and times
DateGranularity — specification of date granularity, such as "Day" or "Week"
DateObject (updated) ▪ TimeObject (updated) ▪ DateInterval (updated) ▪ FromAbsoluteTime (updated) ▪ FromDateString (updated) ▪ FromUnixTime (updated) ▪ FromJulianDate (updated)
DateDifference (updated), DatePlus (updated) — new Method option to specify date arithmetic type
DateDifference (updated), DatePlus (updated) — improved performance
TimeZone (updated) ▪ $TimeZone (updated) ▪ TimeZoneConvert (updated)
Duration (updated) — support dates, intervals and entities
Units & Quantities »
Improved performance of the Wolfram Language Quantity framework. Faster dimensional compatibility checks, unit conversions and quantity arithmetic operations.
Quantity (updated) ▪ KnownUnitQ (updated) ▪ CompatibleUnitQ (updated) ▪ UnitDimensions (updated) ▪ UnitConvert (updated) ▪ UnitSimplify (updated) ▪ CommonUnits (updated)
Quantity (updated), UnitConvert (updated) — distinguish "DegreesCelsius" and "DegreesCelsiusDifference" in computations with temperatures
UnitConvert (updated) — faster unit conversions
QuantityMagnitude (updated) ▪ CurrencyConvert (updated) ▪ CommonUnits (updated)
Uncertainty »
Around (updated) — support of uncertain numbers in numerical and comparison functions
NumericalOrder (updated) ▪ Less (updated) ▪ Equal (updated) ▪ LessEqual (updated) ▪ Greater (updated) ▪ GreaterEqual (updated)
Astro Computation »
AstroPosition — observed astronomical positions in space and the celestial sphere
AstroDistance — physical distance between two celestial objects
AstroAngularSeparation — angle between two celestial locations, as observed from a third location
Dated (updated) — accept date specifications like year 2023.34 in astronomical computations
MoonPhaseDate — date of any phase of the Moon
LunationNumber, FromLunationNumber — continuous count of new moons
AstroSubpoint — find the location on Earth having a celestial object directly above
SolarEclipse — support for more than 70K eclipses and 80 new properties
Sunrise (updated) ▪ Sunset (updated) ▪ SunPosition (updated) ▪ MoonPosition (updated) ▪ DaylightQ (updated) ▪ SiderealTime (updated)
SphericalDistance — compute distances on the unit sphere
Astro Visualization »
AstroGraphics — maps of the sky, including solar system objects, stars, galaxies and many other astronomical objects
AstroReferenceFrame — specification of the reference frame, location, date and other parameters of an astronomical observation
AstroStyling — specification of graphical styles for the elements of an astro map
AstroBackground ▪ AstroRange ▪ AstroRangePadding ▪ AstroCenter ▪ AstroProjection ▪ AstroGridLines ▪ AstroGridLinesStyle ▪ AstroZoomLevel
Geometric Computation »
AR/VR Support
ARPublish — publish 3D graphics and geometries to AR devices
Spline Regions »
BezierCurve (updated), BSplineCurve (updated) — now geometric regions
BSplineSurface (updated) — now geometric regions
Mesh Regions »
MeshRegion (updated) — now supports Polyhedron cells, allowing for honeycombs etc.
VoronoiMesh (updated) — now supports 3D Voronoi decompositions
MeshRegion (updated), BoundaryMeshRegion (updated) — now supports VertexNormals and VertexColors
Special Regions
GeodesicPolyhedron — approximate balls from subdivision of Platonic polyhedra
CircumscribedBall — minimal enclosing ball
InscribedBall — maximum inscribed ball
SpherePoints (updated) — return results with any specified precision
InfiniteLineThrough ▪ CircularArcThrough
Region Reconstruction from Point Clouds
ReconstructionMesh — can reconstruct 1D, 2D and 3D meshes from point clouds
EstimatedPointNormals — estimate normals to points in a point cloud
GradientFittedMesh (updated) ▪ ConcaveHullMesh (updated)
Region Distances
RegionHausdorffDistance — measure how different two regions are
RegionDistance (updated) — the nearest distance between two regions
RegionFarthestDistance — the farthest distance between two regions
Boolean & Morphological Operations
RegionUnion (updated) ▪ RegionIntersection (updated) ▪ RegionDifference (updated) ▪ RegionSymmetricDifference (updated) ▪ BooleanRegion (updated) ▪ RegionDilation (updated) ▪ RegionErosion (updated)
Spatial Relations
RegionEqual (updated) — improve equality testing for 2D polygonal regions
RegionDisjoint (updated) ▪ RegionWithin (updated) ▪ RegionCongruent (updated) ▪ RegionSimilar (updated)
System Integration
SpatialPointData — can now be used for points in the geometry framework
Integrate (updated) — improved performance and robustness when integrating over regions
Geometry Resources
PolyhedronData (updated) — 150+ new polyhedra, classes and properties
ResourceData (updated) — new 3D geometric models
Import & Export
"OBJ" (updated) — texture support
"STL" (updated) — performance and robustness
"OBJ" (updated) — support of vertex normals and colors
Graphics »
Graphics Primitives
Disk (updated) — multi-disk specification
Graphics (updated), Graphics3D (updated) — now accept images as a primitives
Blurring — blur effect
DropShadowing — drop shadow effect
Haloing — halo effect
FlatShading — flat per face shading
GouraudShading — smooth per vertex shading
PhongShading — smooth per pixel shading
Texture Mappings
TextureMapping — specify named texture mappings
"Box" ▪ "Cubic" ▪ "Cylindrical" ▪ "Front" ▪ "Planar" ▪ "Spherical" ▪ "Stereographic"
Texture (updated) — now supports named texture mappings
Annulus (updated) ▪ Ball (updated) ▪ BSplineSurface (updated) ▪ Circle (updated) ▪ Circumsphere (updated) ▪ Cone (updated) ▪ ConicHullRegion (updated) ▪ Cuboid (updated) ▪ Cylinder (updated) ▪ Disk (updated) ▪ Ellipsoid (updated) ▪ FilledTorus (updated) ▪ GraphicsComplex (updated) ▪ Hexahedron (updated) ▪ Parallelepiped (updated) ▪ Parallelogram (updated) ▪ Polygon (updated) ▪ Polyhedron (updated) ▪ Prism (updated) ▪ Pyramid (updated) ▪ Rectangle (updated) ▪ Simplex (updated) ▪ Sphere (updated) ▪ Tetrahedron (updated) ▪ Torus (updated) ▪ Triangle (updated) ▪ Tube (updated)
Interaction and Presentation
New dynamic highlighting capabilities for interactive exploration and static highlighting for presentations in static media such as books and articles.
Highlighted (updated) — statically or dynamically highlight specific elements in visualization
PlotHighlighting — set global highlighting effects for visualizations
Plot (updated) ▪ ListPlot (updated) ▪ ListLinePlot (updated) ▪ ParametricPlot (updated) ▪ DateListPlot (updated) ▪ LogPlot (updated) ▪ LogLogPlot (updated) ▪ LogLinearPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogLinearPlot (updated) ▪ DateListLogPlot (updated) ▪ StackedListPlot (updated) ▪ StackedDateListPlot (updated) ▪ ListStepPlot (updated) ▪ DateListStepPlot (updated) ▪ AbsArgPlot (updated) ▪ ReImPlot (updated) ▪ ComplexListPlot (updated) ▪ QuantilePlot (updated) ▪ ProbabilityPlot (updated) ▪ ProbabilityScalePlot (updated) ▪ SmoothHistogram (updated)
High-Dimensional Visualization
PairwiseListPlot — array of pairwise list plots
PairwiseDensityHistogram — array of pairwise density histograms
PairwiseSmoothDensityHistogram — array of pairwise smooth density histograms
PairwiseQuantilePlot — array of pairwise Q-Q plots
PairwiseProbabilityPlot — array of pairwise P-P plots
Ternary Visualization
TernaryListPlot — plot ratios of quantities
Scaling Functions
ScalingFunctions (updated) — now supports nominal, ordinal and date scales
NominalScale — pure labels of classes (red, green, blue, ...)
OrdinalScale — ordered labels of classes (small < medium < large ...)
Scaling Support in Scalar Visualization Functions
ScalingFunctions (updated) — added support in numerous scalar visualization functions
ContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ DateListLogPlot (updated) ▪ DensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListCurvePathPlot (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListLogLinearPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListPolarPlot (updated) ▪ ListSliceContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSliceDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSliceVectorPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSurfacePlot3D (updated) ▪ LogLinearPlot (updated) ▪ LogLogPlot (updated) ▪ LogPlot (updated) ▪ ParametricPlot (updated) ▪ ParametricPlot3D (updated) ▪ PolarPlot (updated) ▪ ProbabilityScalePlot (updated) ▪ RegionPlot3D (updated) ▪ RevolutionPlot3D (updated) ▪ SliceContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ SliceDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ SliceVectorPlot3D (updated) ▪ SphericalPlot3D (updated)
Scaling Support in Vector Visualization Functions
ScalingFunctions (updated) — added support in numerous vector visualization functions
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot (updated) ▪ ListLineIntegralConvolutionPlot (updated) ▪ ListStreamDensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListStreamPlot (updated) ▪ ListStreamPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListVectorDensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListVectorDisplacementPlot (updated) ▪ ListVectorDisplacementPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListVectorPlot (updated) ▪ ListVectorPlot3D (updated) ▪ StreamDensityPlot (updated) ▪ StreamPlot (updated) ▪ StreamPlot3D (updated) ▪ VectorDensityPlot (updated) ▪ VectorDisplacementPlot (updated) ▪ VectorDisplacementPlot3D (updated) ▪ VectorPlot (updated) ▪ VectorPlot3D (updated)
ContourPlot (updated) ▪ DensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListContourPlot (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot (updated) ▪ DensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ SliceContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ SliceDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSliceContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSliceDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ComplexContourPlot (updated) ▪ DensityHistogram (updated) ▪ SmoothDensityHistogram (updated) ▪ ReliefPlot (updated)
Documentation & Learning
Plot (updated) ▪ Plot3D (updated) ▪ ParametricPlot (updated) ▪ ParametricPlot3D (updated) ▪ ContourPlot (updated) ▪ ContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ DensityPlot (updated) ▪ DensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListPlot (updated) ▪ ListLinePlot (updated) ▪ ListPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListContourPlot (updated) ▪ ListContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ RegionPlot (updated) ▪ RegionPlot3D (updated) ▪ DiscretePlot (updated) ▪ DiscretePlot3D (updated) ▪ DateListPlot (updated) ▪ LogPlot (updated) ▪ LogLogPlot (updated) ▪ LogLinearPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogLinearPlot (updated) ▪ DateListLogPlot (updated) ▪ VectorPlot (updated) ▪ StreamPlot (updated) ▪ ListVectorPlot (updated) ▪ ListStreamPlot (updated) ▪ VectorPlot3D (updated) ▪ StreamPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListVectorPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListStreamPlot3D (updated) ▪ VectorDensityPlot (updated) ▪ StreamDensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListVectorDensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListStreamDensityPlot (updated)
PDE Modeling »
Symmetry Support »
DiffusionPDETerm (updated) (updated) — now support "Axisymmetric" (cylindrical) symmetries
ConservativeConvectionPDETerm (updated) ▪ DerivativePDETerm (updated) ▪ LaplacianPDETerm (updated) ▪ HeatTransferPDEComponent (updated) ▪ MassTransportPDEComponent ▫ (updated) SolidMechanicsPDEComponent (updated) ▪ LaplacianPDETerm (updated) ▪ PoissonPDEComponent (updated) ▪ HelmholtzPDEComponent (updated) ▪ WavePDEComponent (updated)
Partial Differential Equation Models »
SchrodingerPDEComponent — model with the Schrödinger equation
FluidFlowPDEComponent — model fluid flow, including non-Newtonian fluids
Laminar Flow — monograph about modeling laminar flow
HeatTransferPDEComponent (updated) — now supports thickness and cross-sectional areas
HeatTransfer (updated) — new monograph sections on temperature-dependent heat capacity, heat transfer in multi-material media and phase change
Electromagnetics »
ElectrostaticPDEComponent — model electrostatic systems
ElectricPotentialCondition ▪ ElectricFluxDensityValue ▪ ElectricSymmetryValue
Electrostatics — monograph about modeling electrostatics
Nonlinear Solid Mechanics »
SolidMechanicsPDEComponent (updated) — support nonlinear hypo- and hyperelastic material models and damping
SolidMechanicsStress (updated) ▪ SolidMechanicsStrain (updated) ▪ ...
Solid Mechanics (updated) — monograph sections on damping, axisymmetric models, transversely isotropic linear elastic materials and non-orthogonal material orientation
Hyperelasticity — monograph explaining Mooney–Rivlin, neo-Hookean, Arruda–Boyce, Yeoh and Gent hyperelastic material models; plane strain and stress variants; hyperelastic model calibration; multiplicative decomposition; multiple material models; transversely isotropic materials; and the standard reinforcing material model
PDE Application Models »
"Biaxial Tensile Test of Hyperelastic Tissue" ▪ "Vascular Vessel" ▪ "Hyperelastic Model Comparison" ▪ "Hygroscopic Swelling" ▪ "Quantum Ring" ▪ "Passive Dew Condensers" ▪ "Contactless Anemometer" ▪ "Disc Brake" ▪ "Heat Conduction in a Multilayer Sphere" ▪ "Helmholtz Resonator" ▪ "Spherical Capacitor" ▪ "Tubular Reactor" ▪ "Heat Exchanger" ▪ "Buoyancy Driven Flow"
Graphs & Networks »
Graph Constructors
LayeredGraph, LayeredGraph3D — graph represented as a layered plot
TorusGraph — torus graph
BuckyballGraph — buckyball graph
Graph Operations
GraphJoin — complete union of graphs
GraphSum — addition of graphs
GraphProduct — products of graphs
"Cartesian" ▪ "Conormal" ▪ "Lexicographical" ▪ "Normal" ▪ "Rooted" ▪ "Tensor"
Graph Resources
GraphData (updated) — 500+ new graphs, classes and properties
ResourceData (updated) — string values of graph options
VertexShapeFunction ▪ EdgeShapeFunction ▪ GraphHighlightStyle
Documentation & Learning
AcyclicGraphQ (updated) ▪ AdjacencyGraph (updated) ▪ AdjacencyMatrix (updated) ▪ BreadthFirstScan (updated) ▪ CompleteGraphQ (updated) ▪ ConnectedComponents (updated) ▪ ConnectedGraphComponents (updated) ▪ ConnectedGraphQ (updated) ▪ DepthFirstScan (updated) ▪ DirectedGraph (updated) ▪ DirectedGraphQ (updated) ▪ EdgeAdd (updated) ▪ EdgeConnectivity (updated) ▪ EdgeCount (updated) ▪ EdgeCoverQ (updated) ▪ EdgeDelete (updated) ▪ EdgeIndex (updated) ▪ EdgeList (updated) ▪ EmptyGraphQ (updated) ▪ FindClique (updated) ▪ FindCycle (updated) ▪ FindEdgeCover (updated) ▪ FindEdgeCut (updated) ▪ FindEdgeIndependentPaths (updated) ▪ FindFundamentalCycles (updated) ▪ FindGraphPartition (updated) ▪ FindHamiltonianCycle (updated) ▪ FindIndependentEdgeSet (updated) ▪ FindIndependentVertexSet (updated) ▪ FindMaximumCut (updated) ▪ FindMinimumCut (updated) ▪ FindPath (updated) ▪ FindShortestPath (updated) ▪ FindVertexCover (updated) ▪ FindVertexCut (updated) ▪ FindVertexIndependentPaths (updated) ▪ GraphCenter (updated) ▪ GraphComplement (updated) ▪ GraphDiameter (updated) ▪ GraphDifference (updated) ▪ GraphDisjointUnion (updated) ▪ GraphDistance (updated) ▪ GraphIntersection (updated) ▪ GraphPeriphery (updated) ▪ GraphRadius (updated) ▪ GraphReciprocity (updated) ▪ GraphUnion (updated) ▪ HamiltonianGraphQ (updated) ▪ IncidenceGraph (updated) ▪ IncidenceList (updated) ▪ IncidenceMatrix (updated) ▪ IndependentEdgeSetQ (updated) ▪ IndependentVertexSetQ (updated) ▪ IndexGraph (updated) ▪ KirchhoffGraph (updated) ▪ LoopFreeGraphQ (updated) ▪ MixedGraphQ (updated) ▪ MultigraphQ (updated) ▪ NearestNeighborGraph (updated) ▪ NeighborhoodGraph (updated) ▪ PathGraph (updated) ▪ PathGraphQ (updated) ▪ PlanarGraphQ (updated) ▪ ReverseGraph (updated) ▪ SimpleGraph (updated) ▪ SimpleGraphQ (updated) ▪ Subgraph (updated) ▪ TopologicalSort (updated) ▪ TreeGraph (updated) ▪ TreeGraphQ (updated) ▪ TreePlot (updated) ▪ UndirectedGraph (updated) ▪ UndirectedGraphQ (updated) ▪ VertexAdd (updated) ▪ VertexComponent (updated) ▪ VertexConnectivity (updated) ▪ VertexContract (updated) ▪ VertexCount (updated) ▪ VertexCoverQ (updated) ▪ VertexDegree (updated) ▪ VertexDelete (updated) ▪ VertexInComponent (updated) ▪ VertexInComponentGraph (updated) ▪ VertexInDegree (updated) ▪ VertexIndex (updated) ▪ VertexList (updated) ▪ VertexOutComponent (updated) ▪ VertexOutComponentGraph (updated) ▪ VertexOutDegree (updated) ▪ VertexReplace (updated) ▪ WeaklyConnectedComponents (updated) ▪ WeaklyConnectedGraphComponents (updated) ▪ WeaklyConnectedGraphQ (updated)
Importing & Exporting »
Import (updated) — support for the "Summary" element for all formats
Document Formats »
"PDF" (updated) — now can import positioned text, improved importing as vector graphics
"DOCX" — Microsoft Word format import
"MOBI" — Mobipocket ebook format import
Raster Formats »
"BioImageFormat" — importing data and metadata of bio formats
"GIF" (updated) — create smaller animated GIFs using global color maps and removing duplicate frames
"PNG" (updated) ▪ "HEIF" (updated) ▪ "OpenEXR" (updated)
Video Formats »
"MP4" ▪ "QuickTime" ▪ "Matroska"
Numerical & Scientific Formats »
"NetCDF" (updated) — significant improvement in export
2D Graphics »
"SVG" (updated) — new support for importing as an image or vector graphics and importing metadata
3D Graphics »
"USD" — 3D graphics scene description format
"GLTF" — 3D content transmission format
JSON-Related Formats »
Geospatial Formats »
External Services & Operations
ExternalEvaluate (updated) — create and manage virtual environments for Python
ServiceDeploy (updated) — deploy code or content to a hosted server
Edit ▶ Preferences… — visual refresh of the preferences dialog
Edit ▶ Indent Selected Lines — indent and outdent selected lines in a code block
OutputSizeLimit (updated) — the interface now provides buttons for storing the result in the notebook
AbsoluteOptions (updated) — can resolve more 2D and 3D graphics options
Struckthrough — represents a font with a strike-through line
Beep (updated) — add the ability to provide a custom Why the Beep message
Input Assistance
Formatting & Typesetting
Squiggled — add a wavy underline to text
Highlighted (updated) — new option to control whether the head is removed when used as input
DefaultFontProperties (updated) — allows explicit specification of Wolfram font
Notebook Programming »
NotebookObject (updated), CellObject (updated) — objects now use a second "instance" UUID to distinguish between objects with identical ExpressionUUID values
ActionMenu (updated) — action menus now allow submenus
NotebookLocate (updated) — support for locating line numbers in package files
NotebookWrite (updated) — new syntax to allow writing before or after a BoxObject or CellObject
Cells (updated) — extended to filter for cells with given counter settings or increments
CellFrame (updated) — modify cell frame from the toolbar
Cell ▶ Divide Cell — now divides selected cell brackets at hard line breaks
CellDingbatMargin — control the placement of the cell dingbat
Question & Answer Interfaces
QuestionGenerator — generates a random QuestionObject in a quiz
QuestionSelector — serves a randomly selected QuestionObject in a quiz
Code Compilation & Data Structures
TypeDeclaration — declare types for use in compiled code
CompiledExpressionDeclaration — efficiently represent structured expressions
LibraryFunctionDeclaration — directly call functions from dynamic libraries
FunctionDeclaration (updated) — declare functions with declarations attached to a symbol
TypeSpecifier (updated) — new compact type specification syntax
CompilerCallback — define custom callback functions for user-defined types
Type Representation
ForAllType — representation of a parameterized type
LiteralType — representation of a literal value for use in types
TypeEvaluate — representation of an evaluation to be performed while inferring types
SequenceType — representation of a sequence of types
Compiled Functions
CreateTypeInstance — create an instance of a type
Cast — convert between types
TypeOf — compute the type of an expression without evaluating it
InertExpression — create an inert representation of an expression
InertEvaluate — call the evaluator from compiled code
UnmanageObject — manually manage memory of raw objects
ToRawPointer — create a pointer for interacting with external libraries
FromRawPointer — dereference a pointer for interacting with external libraries
KernelEvaluate — evaluate expressions in a Wolfram Language kernel
Compiled Components
CompiledComponent — a named group of compiler declarations and shared libraries built from the compiler
DeclareCompiledComponent — add declarations to a compiled component
BuildCompiledComponent — build a shared library for a compiled component
LoadCompiledComponent — load and install components, such as a shared library, from a compiled component
Function Specification
DownValuesFunction — use definitions attached to a symbol when compiling code
FunctionCompile (updated) — simplified specification of a function named in the compiler environment
Migration from Evaluated to Compiled Code
TypeHint — specify a type inside the body of a function
IfCompiled — specify different code for evaluated and compiled processing
Compiled Types
"ByteArray" — one-dimensional array of bytes
Data Structures
"ExprStruct" — a representation of an expression that can be modified without evaluation
"CuckooFilter" — test whether elements are definitely not members
"SortedKeyStore" — store of sorted keys and values
"BitVector" — enhanced with new operations and faster deserialization
"BloomFilter" — enhanced with new operations and faster deserialization
"RedBlackTree" — balanced binary search tree for fast storage and retrieval
"StringVector" — highly optimized store for a vector of strings
Enhancements in Compiler Operations
Enhanced compilation of DownValues that avoids compiling values that do not match a type.
Functions Enhanced by the Compiler
Until ▪ NumericArray ▪ SparseArray ▪ KroneckerDelta ▪ Ceiling ▪ Floor ▪ Round ▪ GCD ▪ LCM ▪ Depth ▪ RankedMin ▪ RankedMax ▪ FactorInteger ▪ IntegerDigits ▪ Subsets ▪ Tuples ▪ Union
ByteArray ▪ ByteArrayQ ▪ ByteArrayToString ▪ StringDrop ▪ StringJoin ▪ StringTake ▪ StringToByteArray
Foreign Function Interface »
Foreign Functions
ForeignFunctionLoad — load a function from a dynamic library
ForeignPointerLookup — get the pointer to a function in a dynamic library
ForeignFunction — a function that calls into a dynamic library
CreateForeignCallback ▪ ForeignCallback
Raw Memory Operations
RawMemoryAllocate — allocate raw memory of a given type
RawMemoryFree — free raw memory
RawMemoryRead — read values from raw memory
RawMemoryWrite ▪ RawMemoryImport ▪ RawMemoryExport
Managed Objects
CreateManagedObject — create a memory managed object
ManagedObject ▪ UnmanageObject
Raw Pointers
RawPointer — a raw pointer to a typed memory address