Summary of New and Improved Features in 14.2

A list of key new and improved features since Version 14.1, including features experimental in Version 14.2.

Core Language

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Functional Programming »

Failsafe create a version of a function protected against bad input

Discard delete elements not obeying a criterion function

Select (updated) report positions of selected elements

AssociationComap create an association by applying a list of functions to a value

Groupings (updated) construct groupings containing unary functions

Counts (updated) specify the elements to count in the list

Order Functions »

MinimalBy (updated), MaximalBy (updated) new ordering function argument

TakeLargest  (updated)   ▪  TakeSmallest  (updated)   ▪  TakeLargestBy  (updated)   ▪  TakeSmallestBy  (updated) 

Evaluation Control »

HoldCompleteForm display an expression completely shielded from evaluation

ReleaseHold (updated) support added for HoldCompleteForm

Parallel Computation

LaunchKernels (updated) faster launching of kernels on multiple hosts

ParallelTable deep parallelization of nested tables

ParallelSelect  ▪  ParallelCases

Tabular Processing

Tabular Objects »

Tabular column oriented tabular data with different types, missing values, etc.

ToTabular converting to Tabular with detailed control

TabularStructure  ▪  ColumnKeys  ▪  ColumnTypes

FromTabular  ▪  ColumnKeyExistsQ  ▪  TabularQ  ▪  TabularColumn  ▪  TabularColumnQ  ▪  TabularRow  ▪  TabularRowQ  ▪  TabularSchema

Part  (updated)   ▪  Take  (updated)   ▪  Drop  (updated)   ▪  TakeDrop  (updated)   ▪  Key  (updated)   ▪  ExtendedKey  ▪  RowKey  ▪  KeyDrop  (updated)   ▪  KeyTake  (updated)   ▪  Select  (updated)   ▪  Discard  ▪  TakeSmallestBy  (updated)   ▪  TakeLargestBy  (updated)   ▪  MaximalBy  (updated)   ▪  MinimalBy  (updated) 

Tabular Data Sources »

Import (updated) fast, scalable and robust import of tabular data

"CSV"  (updated)   ▪  "XLSX"  (updated)   ▪  "XLS"  (updated)   ▪  "ODS"  (updated)   ▪  "SXC"  (updated)   ▪  "TSV"  (updated)   ▪  "Table"  (updated)   ▪  "Parquet"  ▪  "ArrowIPC"  ▪  "ORC"  ▪  "ArrowDataset"  ▪  "SAV"  (updated)   ▪  "SAS7BDAT"  (updated)   ▪  "DTA"  (updated)   ▪  "POR"  (updated)   ▪  "XPORT"  (updated)   ▪  "RData"  (updated)   ▪  "RDS"  (updated)   ▪  "DIF"  (updated) 

DataConnectionObject connection to data stores (with authentication, queries, etc.)

"AmazonS3"  ▪  "AzureBlobStorage"  ▪  "Dropbox"  ▪  "IPFS"

EntityValue (updated) can now return Tabular objects for large-scale processing

EntityClass  (updated)   ▪  EntityType  (updated) 

DatabaseReference (updated) relational databases can be used as out-of-core backends for Tabular

"SQLite"  ▪  "PostgreSQL"  ▪  "MySQL"  ▪  "MicrosoftSQL"  ▪  "Oracle"

ToMemory return an in-memory version of an out-of-core object

Tabular Data Cleaning »

TransformMissing handle missing values

TransformAnomalies handle outlier values

RenameColumns  ▪  CastColumns  ▪  DeleteColumns  ▪  InsertColumns

PivotToColumns spreading values from single columns into several columns

PivotFromColumns gathering values from several columns into one column

Tabular Transformation »

TransformColumns compute columns from values in each row

ConstructColumns  ▪  SortBy  (updated)   ▪  ReverseSortBy  (updated)   ▪  NumericalSort  (updated)   ▪  ...

AggregateRows simple or grouped aggregation

PivotTable compute a pivot table with multiple row and column pivots and aggregation


Tabular Visualization »

BarChart (updated) plot values from a column as discrete bars

PieChart  (updated)   ▪  BubbleChart  (updated)   ▪  BarChart3D  (updated)   ▪  PieChart3D  (updated)   ▪  BubbleChart3D  (updated)   ▪  RectangleChart  (updated)   ▪  RectangleChart3D  (updated)   ▪  SectorChart  (updated)   ▪  SectorChart3D  (updated)   ▪  PairedBarChart  (updated)   ▪  TradingChart  (updated) 

Histogram (updated) show the distribution of values in a tabular column using discrete bars

SmoothHistogram (updated) show the distribution of values in a tabular column as a smooth density

DateHistogram  (updated)   ▪  DensityHistogram  (updated)   ▪  BoxWhiskerChart  (updated)   ▪  DistributionChart  (updated)   ▪  QuantilePlot  (updated)   ▪  PairwiseDensityHistogram  (updated)   ▪  PairwiseSmoothDensityHistogram  (updated)   ▪  PairwiseQuantilePlot  (updated)   ▪  PairwiseProbabilityPlot  (updated)   ▪  ...

ListPlot (updated) plot columns from tabular data against each other

ListLinePlot  (updated)   ▪  ListPlot3D  (updated)   ▪  ListContourPlot  (updated)   ▪  ListDensityPlot  (updated)   ▪  ListPointPlot3D  (updated)   ▪  ListLinePlot3D  (updated)   ▪  ListStepPlot  (updated)   ▪  StackedListPlot  (updated)   ▪  ListLogPlot  (updated)   ▪  ListContourPlot3D  (updated)   ▪  ListDensityPlot3D  (updated)   ▪  ListSliceContourPlot3D  (updated)   ▪  ListSliceDensityPlot3D  (updated)   ▪  DateListPlot  (updated)   ▪  RadialAxisPlot  (updated)   ▪  ParallelAxisPlot  (updated)   ▪  PairwiseListPlot  (updated)   ▪  ...

Machine Learning & Neural Networks »

LLM-Related Functionality »

LLMSynthesizeSubmit, ChatSubmit asynchronous LLM generation

ImageSynthesize (updated) added support for LLMConfiguration

Tabular Support in Automated Machine Learning

Classify  (updated)   ▪  Predict  (updated)   ▪  ClassifierFunction  (updated)   ▪  PredictorFunction  (updated)   ▪  ClassifierMeasurements  (updated)   ▪  PredictorMeasurements  (updated)   ▪  ClusterClassify  (updated)   ▪  FindClusters  (updated)   ▪  LearnDistribution  (updated)   ▪  FeatureExtraction  (updated)   ▪  SynthesizeMissingValues  (updated)   ▪  DimensionReduce  (updated)   ▪  DimensionReduction  (updated)   ▪  AnomalyDetection  (updated)   ▪  FindAnomalies  (updated)   ▪  FeatureSpacePlot  (updated)   ▪  FeatureSpacePlot3D  (updated)   ▪  FeatureImpactPlot  (updated)   ▪  CumulativeFeatureImpactPlot  (updated)   ▪  FeatureValueImpactPlot  (updated)   ▪  FeatureValueDependencyPlot  (updated) 

Neural Networks »

NetTrain (updated), NetMeasurements (updated) added support for Tabular input

NetUnfold (updated) added support for ReshapeLayer, FlattenLayer and ReplicateLayer

NormalizationLayer (updated) added new normalization method

ReshapeLayer (updated) added support for array-based shape specification

Game Theory

Matrix Games (aka Simultaneous Games, Normal Form Games)

MatrixGame represents a simultaneous game specified by payoff matrices or arrays

FindMatrixGameStrategies find Nash equilibria

MatrixGamePlot visualize matrix games and strategies

VerifyMatrixGameStrategy  ▪  MatrixGamePayoff

Tree Games (aka Sequential Games, Extensive Form Games)

TreeGame represents a sequential game specified by a game tree

FindTreeGameStrategies find subgame perfect equilibria (SPE)

TreeGamePlot visualize tree games and strategies

VerifyTreeGameStrategy  ▪  TreeGamePayoff

Game Options

GameActionLabels  ▪  GamePlayerLabels

Standard Games

GameTheoryData predefined standard games

Mathematical Computation

Symbolic Array Transformations

ArraySimplify simplify symbolic array expressions

ArrayExpand expand symbolic array expressions

ComponentExpand expand symbolic array expression into its component parts

Symbolic Arrays in Calculus

LineIntegrate (updated), SurfaceIntegrate (updated) integrate using symbolic vector variables

NLineIntegrate  (updated)   ▪  NSurfaceIntegrate  (updated) 

DSolve (updated) solve differential equations with symbolic array variables

RSolve (updated) solve difference equations with symbolic array variables

DSolveValue  (updated)   ▪  RSolveValue  (updated)   ▪  AsymptoticDSolveValue  (updated)   ▪  AsymptoticRSolveValue  (updated) 

Fourier Analysis

FourierTransform (updated) improved numerical evaluation and documentation

FourierCosTransform  (updated)   ▪  FourierSinTransform  (updated)   ▪  InverseFourierTransform  (updated)   ▪  InverseFourierSinTransform  (updated)    ▪  InverseFourierCosTransform  (updated) 

Discrete Calculus

SumConvergence (updated) support for specifying the summation interval in the input

DigitCount (updated) specify the total number of digits to count

Astronomy & Dates

Astronomical Events

FindAstroEvent find the instant of relevant astronomical events

"MarchEquinox"  ▪  "Conjunction"  ▪  "Periapsis"  ▪  "Appulse"  ▪  ...

MoonPhase (updated) use different definitions of moon phases

NewMoon  (updated)   ▪  FullMoon  (updated)   ▪  MoonPhaseDate  (updated) 

Date & Time

MidDate midpoint date of a granular date or list of dates

Chemistry & Biochemistry

MoleculeMesh 3D boundary mesh representation of a molecule or biomolecule

"RCSBProteinDataBank" service connection to the RCSB Protein Data Bank

"ESMAtlas" service connection to the ESM Metagenomic Atlas, a database of protein structures predicted by ESMFold

"PDB" (updated), "MMCIF" (updated), "MMJSON" (updated) added support for Molecule and BioMolecule

GPU Computation


GPUArray store data in memory accessible for GPU accelerated computation

GPUArrayQ  ▪  Normal  ▪  ArrayQ  ▪  VectorQ  ▪  MatrixQ  ▪  ArrayDepth  ▪  Dimensions  ▪  Length  ▪  Part  ▪  First  ▪  Last  ▪  ByteCount

Linear Algebra

Dot matrix operations

Transpose  ▪  ConjugateTranspose  ▪  Diagonal  ▪  Tr

LinearSolve solve linear systems

Discrete Fourier Analysis

Fourier find the discrete Fourier transform

InverseFourier find the discrete inverse Fourier transform

Random Number Generation

SeedRandom use the GPUArrayRandom method for pseudorandom number generation

RandomInteger  ▪  RandomReal  ▪  RandomComplex


Mean descriptive statistics

GeometricMean  ▪  Variance  ▪  Skewness  ▪  StandardDeviation  ▪  RootMeanSquare  ▪  Kurtosis

Sort order statistics

Min  ▪  Max  ▪  MinMax  ▪  Ordering

Mathematical Functions

Plus, Times arithmetic functions

Subtract  ▪  Divide  ▪  Total  ▪  Mean  ▪  Accumulate  ▪  Differences  ▪  Ratios

Sin, Cos trigonometric functions

Tan  ▪  ArcSin  ▪  ArcCos  ▪  ArcTan

Exp, Log transcendental functions

Log2  ▪  Log10  ▪  Power  ▪  Sqrt  ▪  CubeRoot

Sinh, Cosh hyperbolic functions

Tanh  ▪  Csch  ▪  Sech  ▪  Coth  ▪  ArcSinh  ▪  ArcCosh  ▪  ArcTanh

Ceiling, Floor integer functions

Round  ▪  IntegerPart  ▪  FractionalPart

Abs, Sign absolute values and signs

RealAbs  ▪  RealSign  ▪  Re  ▪  Im  ▪  Arg  ▪  Conjugate


Geometric Computation »

JoinedCurve (updated), FilledCurve (updated) now geometric regions

RegionQ  (updated)   ▪  RegionDimension  (updated)   ▪  RegionEmbeddingDimension  (updated)   ▪  ArcLength  (updated)   ▪  RegionMember  (updated)   ▪  RegionDistance  (updated)   ▪  BoundingRegion  (updated)   ▪  RandomPoint  (updated)   ▪  ...

Constructive Solid Geometry Modeling »

CSGRegion (updated) now support annotations

Annotation  (updated)   ▪  Annotate  (updated)   ▪  AnnotationKeys  (updated)   ▪  AnnotationValue  (updated)   ▪  AnnotationDelete  (updated)   ▪  AnnotationRules  (updated)   ▪  Style  (updated) 

Graphs & Networks

Graph Drawing

"SymmetricLayeredEmbedding" place vertices symmetrically on parallel lines

"Rotation" rotation option for graph embeddings

"BipartiteEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "CircularEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "CircularMultipartiteEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "DiscreteSpiralEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "GridEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "LinearEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "MultipartiteEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "SpiralEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "StarEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "BalloonEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "RadialEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "LayeredDigraphEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "LayeredEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "GravityEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "HighDimensionalEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "PlanarEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "SpectralEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "SphericalEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "SymmetricLayeredEmbedding"  (updated)   ▪  "TutteEmbedding"  (updated) 

Video, Image & Audio Computation

Video Processing & Analysis »

VideoObjectTracking detect and track objects in a video

ObjectTrackingData an object storing the tracked object information

HighlightVideo highlight objects in a video

Image Functions Now Support Video

BarcodeRecognize  (updated)   ▪  TextRecognize  (updated)   ▪  FindFaces  (updated)   ▪  ImageCases  (updated)   ▪  ImageBoundingBoxes  (updated)   ▪  ImagePosition  (updated)   ▪  ImageContents  (updated)   ▪  ImageContainsQ  (updated)   ▪  FindImageShapes  (updated)   ▪  FindImageText  (updated)   ▪  ImageCorners  (updated)   ▪  ImageKeypoints  (updated)   ▪  ImageLines  (updated)   ▪  ImageSegmentationComponents  (updated)   ▪  MorphologicalComponents  (updated)   ▪  WatershedComponents  (updated)   ▪  ImageForestingComponents  (updated) 

Video Editing »

VideoJoin (updated) now supports still images

VideoCombine (updated) now supports subtitle options as well as combining still images

VideoTranscribe (updated) now accepts the Language and subtitle options

SubtitleStyle specify style for created subtitle tracks

ShowSubtitles specify whether to display the subtitles

Video Object

Video (updated) adding support for in-notebook storage of the videos as well as subtitle options

PDE Modeling »

Electromagnetics »

MagnetostaticPDEComponent model magnetostatics without currents

MagneticPDEComponent model quasistatic magnetic fields with currents

ElectricCurrentPDEComponent (updated) updated model electric currents

ElectrostaticPDEComponent (updated) updated electrostatic systems

MagneticFluxDensityValue  ▪  MagneticPotentialCondition  ▪  MagneticSymmetryValue

Electromagnetics Overview (updated) overview monograph about modeling electromagnetics

Magnetostatics for Permanent Magnets monograph about modeling permanent magnets

Quasistatic Magnetic Fields monograph about modeling quasistatic magnetic fields

Solid Mechanics »

SolidMechanicsPDEComponent (updated) support for extended plane strain and stress

SolidMechanicsStrain (updated) support for extended plane strain and stress

SolidMechanicsStress (updated) support for extended plane strain and stress

PDE Application Models »

"Inductive Heating"  ▪  "Cerebral Aneurysm"  (updated) 

Importing & Exporting »

Tabular Formats »

"CSV" (updated), "TSV" (updated), "Table" (updated) now support Tabular; significant speed improvements

"Parquet" Apache Parquet format

"ORC" Optimized Row Columnar data format

"ArrowIPC" Arrow IPC columnar data format

"ArrowDataset" multi-file columnar data format

"XLS"  (updated)   ▪  "XLSX"  (updated)   ▪  "RData"  (updated)   ▪  "RDS"  (updated)   ▪  "SAS7BDAT"  (updated)   ▪  "XPORT"  (updated)   ▪  "DTA"  (updated)   ▪  "SAV"  (updated)   ▪  "POR"  (updated)   ▪  "DIF"  (updated)   ▪  "ODS"  (updated)   ▪  "SXC"  (updated) 

Data Connections

DataConnectionObject establish a connection to services such as Amazon S3 and Azure

Document Formats »

"Markdown" import Markdown as plaintext

"PDF" (updated) import text and images as a mixed list

XML Formats »

"XML" (updated) more bug fixing, especially in Export

"ExpressionML" (updated) backend update that gives significant speed improvement and bug fixes


File New Notebook (updated) default new notebooks now support all chat-style cells

LabeledGraphicsBox is a low-level construct that represents a graphics box with a label attached to it

ThemeColor represents a color setting from a light/dark-aware notebook rendering theme

LightDark  ▪  LightDarkSwitched

SelectionMove (updated) now supports a list of cell objects

NotebookCellData (updated) add elements for serialized cell expression information