Summary of New and Improved Features in 14.2
Core Language
open all close allFunctional Programming »
Failsafe — create a version of a function protected against bad input
Discard — delete elements not obeying a criterion function
Select (updated) — report positions of selected elements
AssociationComap — create an association by applying a list of functions to a value
Groupings (updated) — construct groupings containing unary functions
Counts (updated) — specify the elements to count in the list
Order Functions »
TakeLargest (updated) ▪ TakeSmallest (updated) ▪ TakeLargestBy (updated) ▪ TakeSmallestBy (updated)
Evaluation Control »
HoldCompleteForm — display an expression completely shielded from evaluation
ReleaseHold (updated) — support added for HoldCompleteForm
Parallel Computation
LaunchKernels (updated) — faster launching of kernels on multiple hosts
ParallelTable — deep parallelization of nested tables
Tabular Processing
Tabular Objects »
Tabular — column oriented tabular data with different types, missing values, etc.
TabularStructure ▪ ColumnKeys ▪ ColumnTypes
FromTabular ▪ ColumnKeyExistsQ ▪ TabularQ ▪ TabularColumn ▪ TabularColumnQ ▪ TabularRow ▪ TabularRowQ ▪ TabularSchema
Part (updated) ▪ Take (updated) ▪ Drop (updated) ▪ TakeDrop (updated) ▪ Key (updated) ▪ ExtendedKey ▪ RowKey ▪ KeyDrop (updated) ▪ KeyTake (updated) ▪ Select (updated) ▪ Discard ▪ TakeSmallestBy (updated) ▪ TakeLargestBy (updated) ▪ MaximalBy (updated) ▪ MinimalBy (updated)
Tabular Data Sources »
Import (updated) — fast, scalable and robust import of tabular data
"CSV" (updated) ▪ "XLSX" (updated) ▪ "XLS" (updated) ▪ "ODS" (updated) ▪ "SXC" (updated) ▪ "TSV" (updated) ▪ "Table" (updated) ▪ "Parquet" ▪ "ArrowIPC" ▪ "ORC" ▪ "ArrowDataset" ▪ "SAV" (updated) ▪ "SAS7BDAT" (updated) ▪ "DTA" (updated) ▪ "POR" (updated) ▪ "XPORT" (updated) ▪ "RData" (updated) ▪ "RDS" (updated) ▪ "DIF" (updated)
DataConnectionObject — connection to data stores (with authentication, queries, etc.)
"AmazonS3" ▪ "AzureBlobStorage" ▪ "Dropbox" ▪ "IPFS"
EntityValue (updated) — can now return Tabular objects for large-scale processing
EntityClass (updated) ▪ EntityType (updated)
DatabaseReference (updated) — relational databases can be used as out-of-core backends for Tabular
"SQLite" ▪ "PostgreSQL" ▪ "MySQL" ▪ "MicrosoftSQL" ▪ "Oracle"
ToMemory — return an in-memory version of an out-of-core object
Tabular Data Cleaning »
TransformMissing — handle missing values
TransformAnomalies — handle outlier values
RenameColumns ▪ CastColumns ▪ DeleteColumns ▪ InsertColumns
PivotToColumns — spreading values from single columns into several columns
PivotFromColumns — gathering values from several columns into one column
Tabular Transformation »
TransformColumns — compute columns from values in each row
ConstructColumns ▪ SortBy (updated) ▪ ReverseSortBy (updated) ▪ NumericalSort (updated) ▪ ...
AggregateRows — simple or grouped aggregation
PivotTable — compute a pivot table with multiple row and column pivots and aggregation
Tabular Visualization »
BarChart (updated) — plot values from a column as discrete bars
PieChart (updated) ▪ BubbleChart (updated) ▪ BarChart3D (updated) ▪ PieChart3D (updated) ▪ BubbleChart3D (updated) ▪ RectangleChart (updated) ▪ RectangleChart3D (updated) ▪ SectorChart (updated) ▪ SectorChart3D (updated) ▪ PairedBarChart (updated) ▪ TradingChart (updated)
Histogram (updated) — show the distribution of values in a tabular column using discrete bars
SmoothHistogram (updated) — show the distribution of values in a tabular column as a smooth density
DateHistogram (updated) ▪ DensityHistogram (updated) ▪ BoxWhiskerChart (updated) ▪ DistributionChart (updated) ▪ QuantilePlot (updated) ▪ PairwiseDensityHistogram (updated) ▪ PairwiseSmoothDensityHistogram (updated) ▪ PairwiseQuantilePlot (updated) ▪ PairwiseProbabilityPlot (updated) ▪ ...
ListPlot (updated) — plot columns from tabular data against each other
ListLinePlot (updated) ▪ ListPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListContourPlot (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot (updated) ▪ ListPointPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListLinePlot3D (updated) ▪ ListStepPlot (updated) ▪ StackedListPlot (updated) ▪ ListLogPlot (updated) ▪ ListContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSliceContourPlot3D (updated) ▪ ListSliceDensityPlot3D (updated) ▪ DateListPlot (updated) ▪ RadialAxisPlot (updated) ▪ ParallelAxisPlot (updated) ▪ PairwiseListPlot (updated) ▪ ...
Machine Learning & Neural Networks »
LLM-Related Functionality »
LLMSynthesizeSubmit, ChatSubmit — asynchronous LLM generation
ImageSynthesize (updated) — added support for LLMConfiguration
Tabular Support in Automated Machine Learning
Classify (updated) ▪ Predict (updated) ▪ ClassifierFunction (updated) ▪ PredictorFunction (updated) ▪ ClassifierMeasurements (updated) ▪ PredictorMeasurements (updated) ▪ ClusterClassify (updated) ▪ FindClusters (updated) ▪ LearnDistribution (updated) ▪ FeatureExtraction (updated) ▪ SynthesizeMissingValues (updated) ▪ DimensionReduce (updated) ▪ DimensionReduction (updated) ▪ AnomalyDetection (updated) ▪ FindAnomalies (updated) ▪ FeatureSpacePlot (updated) ▪ FeatureSpacePlot3D (updated) ▪ FeatureImpactPlot (updated) ▪ CumulativeFeatureImpactPlot (updated) ▪ FeatureValueImpactPlot (updated) ▪ FeatureValueDependencyPlot (updated)
Neural Networks »
NetTrain (updated), NetMeasurements (updated) — added support for Tabular input
NetUnfold (updated) — added support for ReshapeLayer, FlattenLayer and ReplicateLayer
NormalizationLayer (updated) — added new normalization method
ReshapeLayer (updated) — added support for array-based shape specification
Game Theory
Matrix Games (aka Simultaneous Games, Normal Form Games)
MatrixGame — represents a simultaneous game specified by payoff matrices or arrays
FindMatrixGameStrategies — find Nash equilibria
MatrixGamePlot — visualize matrix games and strategies
VerifyMatrixGameStrategy ▪ MatrixGamePayoff
Tree Games (aka Sequential Games, Extensive Form Games)
TreeGame — represents a sequential game specified by a game tree
FindTreeGameStrategies — find subgame perfect equilibria (SPE)
TreeGamePlot — visualize tree games and strategies
VerifyTreeGameStrategy ▪ TreeGamePayoff
Game Options
GameActionLabels ▪ GamePlayerLabels
Standard Games
GameTheoryData — predefined standard games
Mathematical Computation
Symbolic Array Transformations
ArraySimplify — simplify symbolic array expressions
ArrayExpand — expand symbolic array expressions
ComponentExpand — expand symbolic array expression into its component parts
Symbolic Arrays in Calculus
LineIntegrate (updated), SurfaceIntegrate (updated) — integrate using symbolic vector variables
NLineIntegrate (updated) ▪ NSurfaceIntegrate (updated)
DSolve (updated) — solve differential equations with symbolic array variables
RSolve (updated) — solve difference equations with symbolic array variables
DSolveValue (updated) ▪ RSolveValue (updated) ▪ AsymptoticDSolveValue (updated) ▪ AsymptoticRSolveValue (updated)
Fourier Analysis
FourierTransform (updated) — improved numerical evaluation and documentation
FourierCosTransform (updated) ▪ FourierSinTransform (updated) ▪ InverseFourierTransform (updated) ▪ InverseFourierSinTransform (updated) ▪ InverseFourierCosTransform (updated)
Discrete Calculus
SumConvergence (updated) — support for specifying the summation interval in the input
DigitCount (updated) — specify the total number of digits to count
Astronomy & Dates
Astronomical Events
FindAstroEvent — find the instant of relevant astronomical events
"MarchEquinox" ▪ "Conjunction" ▪ "Periapsis" ▪ "Appulse" ▪ ...
MoonPhase (updated) — use different definitions of moon phases
NewMoon (updated) ▪ FullMoon (updated) ▪ MoonPhaseDate (updated)
Date & Time
MidDate — midpoint date of a granular date or list of dates
Chemistry & Biochemistry
MoleculeMesh — 3D boundary mesh representation of a molecule or biomolecule
"RCSBProteinDataBank" — service connection to the RCSB Protein Data Bank
"ESMAtlas" — service connection to the ESM Metagenomic Atlas, a database of protein structures predicted by ESMFold
"PDB" (updated), "MMCIF" (updated), "MMJSON" (updated) — added support for Molecule and BioMolecule
GPU Computation
GPUArray — store data in memory accessible for GPU accelerated computation
GPUArrayQ ▪ Normal ▪ ArrayQ ▪ VectorQ ▪ MatrixQ ▪ ArrayDepth ▪ Dimensions ▪ Length ▪ Part ▪ First ▪ Last ▪ ByteCount
Linear Algebra
Dot — matrix operations
Transpose ▪ ConjugateTranspose ▪ Diagonal ▪ Tr
LinearSolve — solve linear systems
Discrete Fourier Analysis
Fourier — find the discrete Fourier transform
InverseFourier — find the discrete inverse Fourier transform
Random Number Generation
SeedRandom — use the GPUArrayRandom method for pseudorandom number generation
RandomInteger ▪ RandomReal ▪ RandomComplex
Mean — descriptive statistics
GeometricMean ▪ Variance ▪ Skewness ▪ StandardDeviation ▪ RootMeanSquare ▪ Kurtosis
Sort — order statistics
Mathematical Functions
Subtract ▪ Divide ▪ Total ▪ Mean ▪ Accumulate ▪ Differences ▪ Ratios
Tan ▪ ArcSin ▪ ArcCos ▪ ArcTan
Log2 ▪ Log10 ▪ Power ▪ Sqrt ▪ CubeRoot
Tanh ▪ Csch ▪ Sech ▪ Coth ▪ ArcSinh ▪ ArcCosh ▪ ArcTanh
Geometric Computation »
JoinedCurve (updated), FilledCurve (updated) — now geometric regions
RegionQ (updated) ▪ RegionDimension (updated) ▪ RegionEmbeddingDimension (updated) ▪ ArcLength (updated) ▪ RegionMember (updated) ▪ RegionDistance (updated) ▪ BoundingRegion (updated) ▪ RandomPoint (updated) ▪ ...
Constructive Solid Geometry Modeling »
CSGRegion (updated) — now support annotations
Annotation (updated) ▪ Annotate (updated) ▪ AnnotationKeys (updated) ▪ AnnotationValue (updated) ▪ AnnotationDelete (updated) ▪ AnnotationRules (updated) ▪ Style (updated)
Graphs & Networks
Graph Drawing
"BipartiteEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "CircularEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "CircularMultipartiteEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "DiscreteSpiralEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "GridEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "LinearEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "MultipartiteEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "SpiralEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "StarEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "BalloonEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "RadialEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "LayeredDigraphEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "LayeredEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "GravityEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "HighDimensionalEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "PlanarEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "SpectralEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "SphericalEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "SymmetricLayeredEmbedding" (updated) ▪ "TutteEmbedding" (updated)
Video, Image & Audio Computation
Video Processing & Analysis »
VideoObjectTracking — detect and track objects in a video
ObjectTrackingData — an object storing the tracked object information
HighlightVideo — highlight objects in a video
Image Functions Now Support Video
BarcodeRecognize (updated) ▪ TextRecognize (updated) ▪ FindFaces (updated) ▪ ImageCases (updated) ▪ ImageBoundingBoxes (updated) ▪ ImagePosition (updated) ▪ ImageContents (updated) ▪ ImageContainsQ (updated) ▪ FindImageShapes (updated) ▪ FindImageText (updated) ▪ ImageCorners (updated) ▪ ImageKeypoints (updated) ▪ ImageLines (updated) ▪ ImageSegmentationComponents (updated) ▪ MorphologicalComponents (updated) ▪ WatershedComponents (updated) ▪ ImageForestingComponents (updated)
Video Editing »
VideoJoin (updated) — now supports still images
VideoCombine (updated) — now supports subtitle options as well as combining still images
VideoTranscribe (updated) — now accepts the Language and subtitle options
SubtitleStyle — specify style for created subtitle tracks
ShowSubtitles — specify whether to display the subtitles
Video Object
Video (updated) — adding support for in-notebook storage of the videos as well as subtitle options
PDE Modeling »
Electromagnetics »
MagnetostaticPDEComponent — model magnetostatics without currents
MagneticPDEComponent — model quasistatic magnetic fields with currents
ElectricCurrentPDEComponent (updated) — updated model electric currents
ElectrostaticPDEComponent (updated) — updated electrostatic systems
MagneticFluxDensityValue ▪ MagneticPotentialCondition ▪ MagneticSymmetryValue
Electromagnetics Overview (updated) — overview monograph about modeling electromagnetics
Magnetostatics for Permanent Magnets — monograph about modeling permanent magnets
Quasistatic Magnetic Fields — monograph about modeling quasistatic magnetic fields
Solid Mechanics »
SolidMechanicsPDEComponent (updated) — support for extended plane strain and stress
SolidMechanicsStrain (updated) — support for extended plane strain and stress
SolidMechanicsStress (updated) — support for extended plane strain and stress
PDE Application Models »
"Inductive Heating" ▪ "Cerebral Aneurysm" (updated)
Importing & Exporting »
Tabular Formats »
"CSV" (updated), "TSV" (updated), "Table" (updated) — now support Tabular; significant speed improvements
"Parquet" — Apache Parquet format
"ORC" — Optimized Row Columnar data format
"ArrowIPC" — Arrow IPC columnar data format
"ArrowDataset" — multi-file columnar data format
"XLS" (updated) ▪ "XLSX" (updated) ▪ "RData" (updated) ▪ "RDS" (updated) ▪ "SAS7BDAT" (updated) ▪ "XPORT" (updated) ▪ "DTA" (updated) ▪ "SAV" (updated) ▪ "POR" (updated) ▪ "DIF" (updated) ▪ "ODS" (updated) ▪ "SXC" (updated)
Data Connections
DataConnectionObject — establish a connection to services such as Amazon S3 and Azure
Document Formats »
"Markdown" — import Markdown as plaintext
"PDF" (updated) — import text and images as a mixed list
XML Formats »
"ExpressionML" (updated) — backend update that gives significant speed improvement and bug fixes
LabeledGraphicsBox — is a low-level construct that represents a graphics box with a label attached to it
ThemeColor — represents a color setting from a light/dark-aware notebook rendering theme
SelectionMove (updated) — now supports a list of cell objects
NotebookCellData (updated) — add elements for serialized cell expression information